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Questions tagged [search]

The method by which users find information on your WordPress site

43 votes
2 answers

Customizing Only a Specific Menu using the "wp_nav_menu_items" Hook?

Thanks to some help on here, I've managed to add a custom search box to my main menu... by adding this to my theme's functions.php add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items','search_box_function'); function ...
cannyboy's user avatar
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2 votes
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Searching Only Blog Posts From a WordPress Site's Main Posts Page?

On my CMS-style setup, I have the standard search box which searches everything. However, on my blog page, I would like to also have another search box which searches just the blog... is this ...
cannyboy's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to make Wordpress search prioritise page titles?

The standard search for Wordpress works, but doesn't seem too clever. If I search for 'tomato' and I have a page whose title is 'Tomato' I would expect that to come first in the results. However the ...
cannyboy's user avatar
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2 votes
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Where do custom menus get constructed?

I've created a simple menu in wp-admin>appearance>menus called main-nav. Works fine. However, I'd like to add a custom element to the end of the menu... a search box like the search box in the apple....
cannyboy's user avatar
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Add Google custom search to [closed]

I would like to add Google custom search to my site. I have pasted HTML code from custom search to text widget in a sidebar, but instead of search box, I got text: Loading google.load('...
Željko Filipin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Best way to Integrate Google Search?

I would like to use Google Search as opposed to the built-in search provided by the WordPress engine. What would be the best way to integrate Google Search?
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