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get_the_ID() retrieves same ID on Gutenberg's Query Loop

I'm using Gutenberg editor and I want to add a shortcode (using XYZ PHP Code) that uses the post id to retrieve certain ACF value. I'm editing the home page where the last blog posts are shown, but I ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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Display ACF object field data using Elementor Custom Query

Hello i'm working on a website using elementor pro + ACF. I have create a custom post type (CPT1) with ACF object field that take another CPT2 as values. I would like to display on my CPT1 page all ...
AKEAmazan's user avatar
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WP query_posts group by meta field related

Hello Guys i am trying to customize a wordpress theme and am getting this is How it queries All Posts with episodes post_type. My Question Is. this Post type is related to another post_type which is ...
Tristan Morris's user avatar
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Conditional operator OR not working with custom fields

OR operator is not working for both conditions, only check first value if true then code executed and if first is false then not check 2nd condition and return else output. I also try with LIKE ...
Puneet's user avatar
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How do i create a custom post query when the meta value is an array?

A number of properties have been imported from an external API and saved into a custom post type called 'Properties'. I want to filter these properties by the city they are located in, however it is ...
Zeus7's user avatar
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Fetch Record based on meta key dates

I want to write a query which fetches the data based on my meta key added. Meta key name is 'repeater'. This is my POST META. Serialized: a:3:{i:0;a:3:{s:9:"postdates";s:10:"2021-02-02&...
aliasgar vanak's user avatar
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query posts custom field calculation value

I have a front-end form whereby users create a post and input 3 numerical custom field value` as part of their post. These 3 custom fields are then calculated and the result is displayed in the post....
Pete's user avatar
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Problem with my loops

I am French. Sorry if i make mistakes. I have two problems. The first, I have a page that shows all paying activities sort by date. The 'posts_per_page' does not work When I put 10, it shows 8 ...'s user avatar
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Display custom post types with custom date field value (before today) & order by custom date field

I'm trying to display custom post types with custom date field value being before today. It works OK for showing posts before today, but the order is only based on post date. I want to have the result ...
guiyom84's user avatar
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how to make members list directory through wordpress post custom meta key.

I have created a website in which I am providing complete information about the organization. For this, I am using a Wordpress post. In which I am putting information of only one organization in a ...
gul rathod's user avatar
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How add a custom posttype name using ACF field to a query post array

I'm loading custom post type to different pages by changing cat id and sometimes post type name query_posts(array( 'post_type' => 'posttype_name','posts_per_page'=>-1, 'tax_query' => array( ...
Roshan Deshapriya's user avatar
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Posts query according to meta box date

I'm struggling to get a working solution with wp_query for Event management, Currently post order by event start date & time work well. Now I want some custom settings. Have two meta boxes ...
FRQ6692's user avatar
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How to show only one post for each categories of taxonomy of custom post that contains a specific custom field

I have a custom post called 'account' and custom taxonomy called 'bank'; What I'm trying to do is to show with wp_query post a list of post that should have a specific custom fields named 'tax'. ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Meta_query 'compare' => 'LIKE' not working?

I have meta field with key"app_i_have" and values in my mysql db like: a:3:{i:0;s:14:"mobile studio";i:1;s:12:"own studio";i:2;s:9:"makeup artist";} Now i want to query posts through the pre_get_posts ...
RobbTe's user avatar
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query_posts -> get page_id from custom field

I'm customizing a page template and having an issue with getting a page id from a custom field. The value of the custom field contains the page ID whose contents are to be called. For a normal page ...
THColonia's user avatar

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