• Resolved flashbytes


    Good day futtta,

    your plugin works exactly as advertised. Now the only problem is: it conflicts with a newsletter plugin called Wysija. The main tool to use this plugin (the visual editor) is not usable (it depends on drag’n’drop: please see http://support.wysija.com/knowledgebase/the-visual-editor-isnt-working-properly/ ). When deactivating all plugins and activating them one by one yours unfortunately was the one to cause the conflict.

    Please look into this and see if it can be fixed from your side. In doubt I will probably drop your plugin, but I would rather not, because it offers unique functionality other plugins don’t offer.

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards,


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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Hi flashbytes.
    The conflict is caused by the optional “DoNotTrack” bonus feature. If you set that to the default “I don’t mind 3rd party tracking” drag & drop in Wysija will work again.

    Hope this helps,

    Thread Starter flashbytes


    Hi frank,

    it was just as you said: I set “I don’t mind 3rd party tracking” and Wysija works now.

    But still, is there a way to have it both ways? Or is the other DoNoTrack plugin already the alternative to your optional bonus feature?

    Thanks in any case!


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Hmmm, the other DoNotTrack-plugin might cause similar problems, I’ll test one of these days (feel free to do so as well). If it does work (or if it doesn’t but I can fix it) I might backport that to WP YouTube Lyte at a later date.

    Thread Starter flashbytes


    Hi frank,

    I installed WP DoNotTrack and set it to the following:

    Stop 3rd party tracking for all visitors?
    * Disable tracking for all my visitors!

    Do you want to run in normal or agressive mode?
    * Forced (beta)

    And guess what? The newsletter plugin still works. 🙂

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    that’s great news, thanks for testing!



    Great to see there was a resolution to this! 🙂

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