• Resolved Kevinlikes


    Hi Frank. Know you’re testing 1.3.3, so wanted to let you know that when I run saf3.staging.wpengine.com through validator.w3.org, I get the following error:

    Line 128, Column 2297: Bad value true for attribute async on element script.
    …te/lyte/lyte-min.js?wyl_version=1.3.3″></script><script type=’text/javascript’…

    that first > is in red.

    Hoping you can fix this with the update. Thanks again for the great plugin and wonderful support.



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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Right! Fixed and checked, if you re-download the zip-file for 1.3.3 test, this should be gone.

    Thread Starter Kevinlikes


    Thanks Frank. I might be pushing my luck at this stage, but GTMetrix marks saf3.tv down on its PageSpeed score because:

    Resources with a “?” in the URL are not cached by some proxy caching servers. Remove the query string and encode the parameters into the URL for the following resources:


    So be great if you could also tweak this in the upgrade.

    Thanks again for the amazing plugin and even more amazing support.

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Nah; it’s to important to be able to break any caching by just changing the version string (while not having to change the filenames themselves).

    But you could solve this by using a JS/CSS optimization plugin though, that could speed your site up substantially on top of the fixing the resources-with-querystrings-issuette.

    I might know a good optimization plugin, but I’m biased 😉

    Thread Starter Kevinlikes


    Fair play. I’m using WPEngine, which optimises JSS and CSS already, but I’ll try out AutoOptimize on the next site I build on a different host. Thanks again.

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Well, when looking at your site, WPEngine does not seem to be aggregating & minimizing CSS/ JS?

    But they sure are doing a nice job, performance-wise (they do have great page caching technology which is their own, so they don’t allow e.g. W3 Total Cache of WP Super Cache).

    Thread Starter Kevinlikes


    Good to know. Will try see if I can run AutoOptimize alongside it. And yes, WPEngine has been a dream so far. Thanks.

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