• Hello,

    the plugin doesn’t show the lowest price of the last 30 days, it shows only the current sale price; I tried to delete the db data and set “Display current regular price”, but nothing changed.

    How could I solve?

    Link example: https://shorturl.at/5K2Gb

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Marcin Pietrzak


    hi @simo2606

    Was the plugin activated before price was changed?

    Data on your site pointed, that this price was change today.

    Could you install https://wordpress.org/plugins/debug-bar/ and check when prices where changed?


    Thread Starter Simo2606



    thank for your reply!

    The plugin was activated some moths ago.

    Debug bar info shows that the price was changed today.

    Thread Starter Simo2606


    Here you can find a screenshot: https://shorturl.at/qMZC0

    Plugin Author Marcin Pietrzak


    Then it is all right. There was no previous sale price.

    On the settings page you can choose what should be shown if there is no previous price: current price or current sale price.


    Thread Starter Simo2606


    Ok, I set current regular price, but it shows the current sale price… How can I fix it?

    Thread Starter Simo2606



    could you let me know how to solve this problem?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Marcin Pietrzak


    Hi @simo2606

    Please check settings:


    WPA -> WC -> Settings -> Omnibus

    There are options to adjust what we want to show.

    You can turn off message or choose regular/sale.

    Please let me know if you found (or not) how to achieve your goal.


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