• nubirthmedia


    For the price they charge this plugin is so badly supported, and terribly coded.

    We had a complete mess of a website after a recent update, it broke pages, templates, old pages, stopped allowing saves, autosaves were added to old pages, existing pages were completely changed and many ended up blank and we pay premium money for this per month.

    What is worse is that the same issues are identified by many many people and weeks have gone by with no updates on their forum.

    Steer well clear unless absolutely necessary and tread with EXTREME caution updating.

    We lost a week+ working this out…and still no reply to forum and a basic ‘do this and that’ support reply, which I am unable to work with as it means turning the plugin back on (NO CHANCE!!)

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  • Plugin Support Wissam @ Cloudinary


    Hi there,

    Sorry to see that you are disappointed with the Cloudinary plugin.

    As I am missing context here, could you please share your account name and your email and I will follow up with you in order to resolve the issue you are facing?

    We will do our best to make satisfied with our service.


    Plugin Support Wissam @ Cloudinary


    Hi there,

    Please note that version 3.0.5 has just been released.

    Could you please upgrade and let us know your feedback?


    Plugin Support Wissam @ Cloudinary


    Hi @nubirthmedia ,

    Have you got a chance to review my previous comment?

    Looking forward to your reply.


    Thread Starter nubirthmedia


    Hi I will need to upgrade tentatively with a dev site as this plugin ruined my site in a previous versions and cost me and many others a lot of lost time working out, and it can be seen as the same issue for many others 20+ days ago on your support forum, so this fix feels a) late and b) cautiously optimistic as I am very scared of what happened, something I have never seen in 15+ yrs of WP work.

    Thank you for replying and updating now though.

    Plugin Support Wissam @ Cloudinary


    Hi @nubirthmedia ,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    I completely understand your frustration and we are doing a continuous effort to improve our plugin.
    We have received several positive feedback from customers that the fix was useful.
    Please try it in a testing environment before applying it to production.

    Please let us know if you need any additional assistance.


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