• Resolved tibor


    Hi, I can not find setting to preload featured image which should be in Page Optimization > Media Settings. Why is that? I have version thanks

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  • Irene


    The answer is in litespeed tutorial

    “Preload Featured Image

    This feature has been removed, as we now automatically preload all Viewport Images as part of our VPI service.”


    Still, it’s not clear to me how this works, I have featured images in almost every post. 1) Do I have to enable VPI to preload the featured image? 2) Then, should all posts will be listed? 3) How could I know when this becomes a paid service?


    Plugin Support qtwrk


    yes, you need to enable VPI to preload featured images,

    all pages will automatically have its own VPI list

    because it’s kind of difficult to properly determine which images should be preloaded , on the other hand , the VPI images are loaded without lazyload, which means, within the viewport on loading, in turn , should be preloaded



    I use GP with Generate Bloks, and I have the featured image is loaded as a background in this caseI think that its not going to be preloaded. Any alternative?

    I dont see Image WebP Replacement in the image optimization tab

    View post on imgur.com

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by Irene.

    I am having the same issue.

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