• Resolved arnaudiaz


    I wanted to add the no index tag to a specific page, but the plugin isn’t working properly. It’s just showing a blank tab.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by arnaudiaz.
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  • Thread Starter arnaudiaz


    Figured out myself. With inspect element, on the console tab. I noticed that something was throwing JavaScript errors. It was my theme. “El Divi”, I checked on the themes tab an there was an update available. I updated the theme and the issue was gone.

    If you are facing the same problem, make sure there are no JavaScript errors, as it seems that was the cause in my case. Maybe trying to use another theme would also resolve the issue.

    THANK YOU!!! This has been driving me nuts the last two days since the last update!!

    Thread Starter arnaudiaz


    You are welcome! 😉

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