• Resolved JP



    I’ve been enjoying this plugin very much, thanks for the contribution!

    I’ve recently come across an issue where one particular playlist/player doesn’t seem to work with the “httpv” code (or with the shortcode). Currently, the following is showing up as plain text on the page and not being converted to a player:

    Here’s a link to the page:
    livingmiraclesstudio.org/touroftheheart (the link appears about halfway down the page under the “Happy tour trailer!” heading)

    I’ve tried this particular link on other WordPress sites as well with the same result.

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!



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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Ah, you seem to have discovered a bug jpress.

    If you open up wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/wp-youtube-lyte.php and on line 95 change




    then all should be fine. I’ll include this in the next minor release.

    Thread Starter JP


    That worked perfectly, thanks for the prompt reply!!


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    FYI: That fix is now also in 1.5.0 which was pushed out earlier today.

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