• priscillaposhgioielli


    troppi bug.. mi trovavo bene, ma ora con l’aggiornamento mi è andato in errore il sito!! quindi ho dovuto disattivarlo perché spuntava errore fatale e non mi faceva più accedere alla bacheca di wordpress.. spero risolvano presto altrimenti dovrò cercare un altra soluzione!

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  • Same! I tried to update the plugin and it crashed the whole site. Then I tried to activate it again and it gave me the message: “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”

    Plugin Support Krystian from Syde


    Hello @priscillaposhgioielli

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, and I apologize for the inconvenience you’re experiencing following the recent update. We are aware of the problem and understand the urgency of the situation.

    Our developers have already implemented a temporary fix for the fatal error caused by the update. You can download the fixing package directly from this link: Temporary Fix Package. This package should resolve the issue and allow you to regain access to your WordPress dashboard.

    If you prefer, you can also wait for our next release, which will include this fix. However, to ensure that everything is working smoothly and to avoid prolonged downtime, we recommend applying the temporary fix.

    Should you need further assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to open a ticket with our service desk. You can request support here: Request Support.

    We appreciate your patience and are committed to resolving this issue promptly.

    Kind Regards,


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