• Resolved rawsilk


    Hi There,

    great plugin you got here! question: How do i clear the service worker cache?


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by rawsilk.
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  • Hello @rawsilk,

    Good day and thanks for using our plugin SuperPWA.

    Regarding the clearing of service worker cache, you can easily clear it via the browsing data settings within the Chrome browser. Go to Settings > Privacy > “Clear browsing data”.

    If you want to delete a specified website’s service worker in Chrome –
    1) Visit the website that you need to delete service worker
    2) Right click and select “Inspect Element
    3) Select the Application tab
    4) Within the Application you can see Cache and below the Cache Storage right click on the service worker that you would like to delete.

    Thread Starter rawsilk


    Thanks! One more related question: What’s the expiration of the service worker cache?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by rawsilk. Reason: servive = service

    I cannot share any particular time duration for the expiration of service workers as of now. Because in my tests it only expires if the user deletes cache and if browser storage limit is exceeded. Also the update duration of service workers are 24 hours.


    Thread Starter rawsilk


    Okay thanks Jose. I ask this because we have a fairly new website which is still full in development and i don’t want users to have a weird looking/broken website because the service worker cache has not been refreshed. I also am a newby when it comes to service workers (i’m doing my best to catch up quickly). I don’t know if possible but a feature “flush service worker cache” would be awesome.

    Okay thanks for your quick replies and support!

    If the users are connected to internet, the website will load without any broke and will update the contents and images accordingly if any changes were made upon the website.

    Regarding the “flush service worker cache” feature it’s within our roadmap.


    Thanks @rawsilk for your awesome question in regards to caching of your website.

    Can I now ask if the user “installs” the website on their phone, will they get an updated version of the website if they are connected to the internet, as the website is not running within the web browser?


    Hello @dalea,

    Good day and thanks for using our plugin SuperPWA.

    If any user installs PWA from the browser and visit any pages from the HomeScreen icon, those pages will be cached and can be viewed even if they are offline.

    If the website owner changes any contents or images within any page ( for eg; any earlier visited pages by the user), those pages will be updated to the cache and the updated pages will shown to the user. Only if the user revisit those pages while they are connected to internet, otherwise the earlier cached pages will be shown till they revisit during internet.

    Hope now you got a clear cut idea.


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