Sticky Buttons – floating buttons builder


Sticky Buttons Pro is a WordPress plugin with which you can quickly create informative floating buttons that will always be within the user’s visibility, increasing his attention and providing quick access to the necessary pages of the site or actions.

Main features

The WordPress plugin ‘Sticky Buttons’ will simplify the navigation for the web resource visitors and increase the convenience of its use. With its help you can quickly find the information that you need and navigate through the sections of the site. The administrator can easily customize the menu for individual requests.

  • Unlimited amount of sticky buttons;
  • 2000+ Font Awesome 6 Icons
  • 2 positions to display the panel: left or right on the page;
  • 4 shapes of the buttons
  • add labels of the buttons;
  • edit space between the buttons;
  • select the color for each button;
  • insert any links;
  • set the background color for the button;
  • adding custom ID and Classes to the item

Sticky Buttons can be used for:

  • site navigation;
  • social panel;
  • user menu;
  • multilingual navigation panels;
  • contact menu;
  • additional panel;
  • adaptive menu for PC and mobile devices;
  • sticky panel with feedback and other.

Preview of Pro version

Pro version

Open access to all the extension features with the Pro-version of the plugin. It helps the administrator of the web resource to get the opportunity to:

  • Unlimited amount of sticky buttons
  • 1500+ Font Awesome 5 Icon
  • 12 Position
  • 3 different size
  • 8 beautiful animations
  • 4 shapes of the buttons
  • 20 Social services
  • 10 Special Functions
  • Tooltip for each button
  • Open link to a new window
  • Hold label open
  • Display control on devices
  • Insert any links
  • Adding custom ID and Classes to the item
  • Custom Icon
  • Choose a color for each button
  • Manager for button space
  • Added shadow for button and label
  • Smooth Scroll function
  • Go to Top function
  • Print page function
  • Email and telephone links
  • Go Back and Go Forward function to go through browser history
  • Built-in user links: LogIn, LogOut, Register, Lostpassword
  • Show menu depending on the language
  • Show menu depending on the user (for all users, only for logged-in users, only for not logged-in users)
  • Show the menu on the specific pages
  • And more…

Use with other plugins to maximize your results


Search for answers and ask your questions at support center


  • Sticky Buttons 1
  • Sticky Buttons 2


  • Installation option 1: Find and install this plugin in the Plugins -> Add new section of your wp-admin
  • Installation option 2: Download the zip file, then upload the plugin via the wp-admin in the Plugins -> Add new section. Or unzip the archive and upload the folder to the plugins directory /wp-content/plugins/ via ftp
  • Press Activate when you have installed the plugin via dashboard or press Activate in the in the Plugins list
  • Go to Sticky Buttons section that will appear in your main menu on the left
  • Click Add new to create your first menu
  • Setup your menu
  • Click Save


December 8, 2023 2 replies
It doesn’t work, you try to create a button and it doesn’t even show in the list


July 7, 2023
It’s just too bad open in new window isn’t available in the free version.
June 12, 2023 1 reply
I installed this useful social icons plugin on my client’s website, i found this accurate, elegant. Its developed with niche, responsive code which is compatible with all devices & it is also cross browser. Its interface and options are user friendly. I really appreciate “Wow-Company” , Plugin Developer (lobov) for his efforts, creative and useful code work for WordPress users. I wish him good luck for his bright coming future. Thanks. Ali Raza Kazmi
November 9, 2020
I’ve crawled through the whole web to find a plugin for a floating button that a) isn’t mandatory a social one b) can be switched on and off for single pages c) is customizable to the point that it fits a company CI … and I’ve found it! Plus, the “Wow company” provided some extraordinary support so far. That being said, I couldn’t have made a better choice. 5 stars!
November 8, 2020 1 reply
Very poor fields while adding button options. Needs to develop more and more. Don’t use this!!!
Read all 6 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Sticky Buttons – floating buttons builder” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fixed: minor bug with nonce


  • Fixed: sanitize field link


  • Fixed: create database


  • Fixed: dynamic property for PHP 8.2


  • Updated: FontAwesome to version 6.4.2


  • Fixed: minor bug in page-list


  • Added: display menu on the page with the shortcode.
  • Added: Export/import function
  • Updated: Font Awesome Icon to version 6.2.1


  • Fixed: minor bug


  • Changed: Admin style
  • Added: option ‘Attribute: rel’ to link
  • Added: option ‘Diactivated’ for deactivate the menu
  • Added: option ‘Test Mode’ – menu will show only for admin


  • Changed: Font Awesome Icon 5.15.3


  • Fixed: minor bug when the item deleting


  • Updated: Font Awesome Icons to version 5.14


  • Fixed: Conflict with old version Font Awesome


  • Initial release