Plugin Directory

Search by Algolia – Instant & Relevant results



This plugin has been closed as of May 2, 2019 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. Reason: Author Request.


June 8, 2018
Bravo, rien à redire. Installation / Intégration vraiment simple. Les écrans d’admin pourraient être un poil plus “élégant” mais je chipotte.
December 25, 2017 3 replies
Algolia is an amazing service, and Raymond / their support are thorough and provide great expertise when needed. We would not hesitate to recommend this to anyone looking for a serious business level search service. We’re using it on an installation with millions of queries each month with great success.
November 10, 2017 3 replies
I purchased premium account for algolia. Initial setup was okay. And then I add new indice from zendesk data. But wordpress site not able to fetch any data from this new indices. There is not even any sync button so wordpress can fetch all latest indices. I contacted support via email, their forum and also from wordpress support system. Not a single reply after 24 hours. So guys dont waste time behind this. They dont even have proper support channel even for premium users. Dont know how to reach them.
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Contributors & Developers

“Search by Algolia – Instant & Relevant results” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
