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Review Schema – Review & Structure Data Schema Plugin

Review Schema – Review & Structure Data Schema Plugin


WordPress Review Plugin with JSON-LD based Structure Data Schema solution for your website. Add Structured Data to enhance your website in Google Search Results. This Review Schema WordPress plugin will generate auto schema markup for page, post, custom post type and WooCommerce. You can also manually edit the schema data.

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This WordPress review plugin offer single or multi-criteria base review and rating for page, post, custom post type and WooCommerce.

It comes with 3 main features

  • Single or Multi-criteria Review & Rating for Page/ Post and WooCommerce
  • Auto or Manual Generated Structured Data Schema JSON-LD
  • Affiliate Marketing or Product Review Shortcode

🏆 Generate Review and Schema

With this review schema WordPress plugin , you can generate new review and schema from dashboard easily. From there, you can complete the necessary settings for all the for tabs to generate the Review and Schema. These tabs include Review, Settings, Schema, and Style. All you have to do is go to your sidebar menu and follow a few steps outline.

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🚀 Review and Rating

🏆 Why Is Review Rating Important?

Having instant customer ratings and multiple criteria reviews on your website adds to the credibility of your website. When potential customers are browsing your content or WooCommerce website, they may not be sure about whether or not to trust you. Seeing what other people who’ve interacted with your product or services have to say makes it easy for them to spend money on them. This WordPress review plugin gives you the best interface for all that.

🏆 Single or Multi-criteria Review

This best review plugin for WordPress have the choice to enable single or multiple criteria for review. A single criterion ensures quick and easy views for your customers. However, multicriteria reviews allow your customers to view detailed feedback that makes you appear more transparent and convincing. This review WordPress plugin gives you multiple options so you can choose what works for you.

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🏆 Customer Review & Rating

This WordPress review plugin enables you to manage your customer reviews and ratings to make them as effective as possible. You can sort them based on various criteria, such as top-rated reviews, recent reviews, reviews with images, and text reviews.

🏆 Review with Image

The WordPress review plugin allows your customers to upload the actual product images with this feature. This feature makes it easy for your products to gain the trust of potential customers by increasing their credibility.

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🏆 Review with Video (Pro)

Review & Schema PRO allows you to make your products even more trustworthy by supporting the display of reviews with videos. This function lets you upload videos or just embed links from YouTube, Vimeo, or elsewhere. The versatility of this WP customer reviews plugin justifies its quality and class.

🏆 Multiple Rating Type

Our WordPress rating plugin lets you display your products with multiple rating types, such as numerical and star ratings. This feature enables your potential customers to absorb positive info on your products fast!

🏆 Review & Rating for Page/ Post and Custom Post Type

The Review & Schema plugin functions aren’t restricted to WooCommerce. You can use the review WordPress plugin to collect reviews on your pages, posts, and custom post types.

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🏆 Review & Rating for WooCommerce

This WordPress product review plugin offers an excellent panel for the management of all your WooCommerce reviews and ratings from one place. It supports various advanced options, including sorting, searching, and filtering, for an easy management experience.

🏆 Review & Rating for Easy Digital Downloads

Our Product review plugin lets your customers leave reviews and ratings that are easy to display for easy digital downloads. This makes it easy for potential customers to compare the quality and ratings of different downloadable products. This WordPress product review plugin supports this function for better user interfaces.

🏆 Google ReCAPTCHA

Review Schema WordPress plugin lets you enable ReCAPTCHA so you can be sure that all your customers who leave ratings are real humans. The WordPress review plugin comes with the reCAPTCHA v3, which flags abusive traffic without user interaction. When you enable the function, your users won’t be presented with a CAPTCHA challenge. Instead, this review WordPress will only present you with a score that helps you chart the best course of action for your site.

🏆 Multiple Pagination

Review & Schema allows you to enable multiple pagination, which come in handy when you have long or/and many reviews and ratings to display.

🏆 Allows Pros & Cons

As this review WordPress plugin lets your customers leave their reviews and ratings, it also lets them list the pros and cons of the products they’ve received. Displaying the pros and cons of products gives your potential customers more insight and gets them closer to buying. With this WordPress product review plugin, you get to gain your customers’ trust easily.

🏆 Purchase badge (Pro)

This WooCommerce review plugin displays purchase badges to users who want to leave reviews and ratings. This way, potential customers trust the reviews they read because they know that the reviewer has actually experienced the product.

🏆 Style Customization

Review Schema plugin allows you to customize the style in which you display your reviews. This is in keeping with the colors, typography, and other style aspects in which your pages are showcased.

🚀 Schema & Structured Data JSON-LD

🏆 What is Schema Markup

Schema is the shared language (words and tags) associated with various niches that search engines, such as Google can decipher and understand your content. In turn, the search engines give your potential customers clear, detailed, and accurate information in rich snippets that appear beneath page titles.

You may have come across various schema upon entering various search queries in Google. Such schema include ratings, products, services, and news articles that appear directly on the search results’ page.

Although different content management systems have various ways of implementing schema on websites, WordPress allows you to install schema WordPress plugins, such as Review & Schema. Once your site has this review schema WordPress plugin, the schema markup will cater for relevant searches on all search engines, including Bing, Yahoo, and Google.

🏆 Why Is Schema Important?

Schema enables search engines to interpret the information they receive and display the information on your website ideally. Schema lets Google showcase your products and content in the best possible way with relevance to the search queries.

🏆 Auto-Generated Schema

This WordPress schema plugin enables you to automatically generate Google schema JSON-LD for pages, posts, and products. The straightforward steps of doing this are outlined.

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🏆 Auto-Generated Schema for WooCommerce

This WordPress schema plugin generated auto schema for WooCommerce. We have default settings for WooCommerce that help to generate auto schema value like product brand, identifier & Identifier value.

🏆 Manual Schema Generate

Alternatively, you can generate schema for your pages, posts, and products manually. With this schema plugin, you only have to configure some settings from the schema tab as shown on the steps check the following documentation.

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🏆 Custom rich snippet? (Manual)

You must enable this option to set your custom Schema JSON Data. It will override auto-generated settings of this rich snippets WordPress plugin.

🏆 Rich snippet category

With this rich snippets WordPress plugin, you can choose whichever snippet category you want to show and even select one from here:

  • Article
  • News Article
  • Blog Posting
  • Event
  • Local Business
  • Person
  • About
  • Contact
  • FAQ
  • Q & A
  • How To
  • Service
  • Movie
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Breadcrumb
  • ItemLists
  • Mosque
  • Church
  • Hindutemple
  • Buddhisttemple
  • Buddhisttemple
  • Buddhisttemple
  • Buddhisttemple
  • TechArticle,
  • MedicalWebPage,
  • CollectionPage,
  • Product [Pro]
  • Course [Pro]
  • Job Posting [Pro]
  • Recipe [Pro]
  • Software App [Pro]
  • Image License [Pro]
  • Special Announcement [Pro]
  • Custom Snipet [Pro]

🏆 Affiliate Marketing

You can conduct affiliate marketing efficiently on your website with this structured data WordPress plugin. All you need to do to add an affiliate shortcode is to follow the steps outlined

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Need Any Help?

  • For any bug, support or suggestion please submit your ticket here.

Fully translatable

  • POT files included (/languages/)

Need Any Help?

  • For any bug, support or suggestion please submit your ticket here.

Liked RadiusTheme


If you like The Post Grid Plugin, then consider checking out our other WordPress Plugins:

  • The Post Grid – Shortcode, Gutenberg Blocks and Elementor Addon for Post Grid.

  • Classified Lisitng – Classified ads and Business Directory Plugin

  • ShopBuilder – Elementor WooCommerce Builder Addons with 84+ widgets and 10+ modules.

  • Team – WordPress Team members slider and showcase plugin.

  • Testimonial – Testimonials Slider and Showcase Plugin

  • Food Menu – Restaurant Menu & Online Ordering using WooCommerce.


  • Review Layout With Summary
  • Review & Schema Settings Panel
  • Review Advance Form
  • Review & Schema Generator
  • Review Layout Two With Summary Two
  • Custom Schema JSON-LD Generator
  • Schema JSON-LD Checked with Google Schema Validator
  • Affiliate Shortcode Generator
  • Affiliate Data


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for ‘Review & Schema’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download
  2. Extract the review-schema directory to your computer
  3. Upload the review-schema directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


  • WordPress version: >= 4.5
  • PHP version: >= 7.4


How to Support Advacne Review or Schema JSON-LD

  • Go to Reviews Review > All Review Schema > New Review Schema
  • From Post Type option, Select which post type you want to support
  • From Support option, Select Adance Review or Google Schema JSON-LD
  • From tab configure your all settings.
  • Publish

Is this Review Schema WordPress plugin support both review and schema?

  • Yes this plugin support both review and schema

Is this plugin support multi critria review?

  • Yes this plugin support both single and multi critria review & rating

Is this plugin support multi critria rating for WooCommerce?

  • Yes this plugin support both multi critria rating for WooCommerce

Is this Schema WordPress plugin support auto generated schema?

  • Yes this plugin support auto generated schema

Can I manual edit schema data?

  • Yes this schema plugin allow you to edit schema data manually

Is this review plugin support WooCommerce review and schema?

  • Yes this plugin support Woocommerce review and auto or manual generate schema markup data

Can I use this plugin only for review and rating?

  • Yes, you can use this plugin only for review and rating or only for schema markup.

Can I create affitiate marketing or product review shortcode

  • Yes you can generate product review shortcode with affiliate link

Need Any Help or suggestions?


June 27, 2024
THANKS this is a nice one,keep it up
April 2, 2024
The plugin works like a charm, the support is swift. I had been playing around with a couple of review plugins for WP but none offered the kind of features this plugin does (rate in multiple categories, anonymous reviews etc.)
June 7, 2023
Thank you for the PRO plugin. It helped me to avoid errors and warnings in rich snippets in my online store. Hope Google will appreciate this 🙂 UPD: I’m very excited by the customer support and service. I faced an issue and ask guys to help me. They made some updates and added extra functionality to the plugin and cover all my requirements. I’m so happy with this. Thank you indeed.
Read all 24 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Review Schema – Review & Structure Data Schema Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



2.2.2 ( 03 July, 2024 )

  • Added: New Shortcode For Display stars ratings anywhere [rtrs-average-rating-stars]
  • Added: New Shortcode For Display average ratings count anywhere [rtrs-average-rating-count]
  • Added: Added Shipping Details, MerchantReturnPolicy For Product Schema
  • Fixed: Course Schema Notice and error

2.2.1 ( 08 March, 2024 )

  • Fixed: Custom Schema Data save issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Comment Reply Deprecated issue.

2.2.0 ( 30 January, 2024 )

  • Updated: Proper sanitization and escaping for all files.
  • Updated: Sanitization handling of $_GET/$_POST/$_REQUEST stack.
  • Fixed: Missing Authorization to Arbitrary Review Update.

2.1.14 ( 12 December, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Spelling mistake.
  • Fixed: Affiliate layout fixed.

2.1.13 ( 20 November, 2023 )

  • Fixed: PHP error.

2.1.12 ( 14 November, 2023 )

  • Fixed: PHP error.

2.1.11 ( 24 August, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Support Added For RTCL.

2.1.10 ( 23 August, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Reply Ratting Issue.
  • Fixed: PHP 8.2.8 Issue Fixed

2.1.9 ( 16 August, 2023 )

  • Fixed: PHP 8.2.8 Issue
  • Fixed: Remove Unexpected text

2.1.8 ( 11 August, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Rating Issue.
  • Fixed: PHP 8.2.8 Issue

2.1.7 ( 11 July, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Fix Custom Schema.

2.1.6 ( 06 June, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Fix Product Schema Issue.

2.1.5 ( 17 April, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Woocommerce Schema Price issue.
  • Fixed: Product Review reply issue fix

2.1.4 ( 20 February, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Comment reply Issue Fixed.

2.1.3 ( 8 February, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Autoload Issue Fixed.

2.1.2 ( 15 December, 2022 )

  • Fixed: Issue Fixed.

2.1.1 ( 21 November, 2022 )

  • Fixed: Schema field type issue.

2.1.0 ( 23 Oct, 2022 )

  • Fixed: Woo Commerce Comment Issue.
  • Added: Feature Highlight, Sticky Review

2.0.3 ( 23 September, 2022 )

  • Fixed: Woo Commerce Comment Issue.

2.0.2 ( 23 September, 2022 )

  • Fixed: Schema Issue Fixed.

2.0.1 ( 16 September, 2022 )

  • Added: New Schema Type TechArticle, MedicalWebPage, CollectionPage;

2.0.0 ( 30 August, 2022 )

  • Fixed: Review for Others Language issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Review Update Issue Fixed.
  • Fixed: Review Enable By Post Type fixed.

1.2.1 ( 16 August, 2022 )

  • Fixed: Review Edit Permission issue fixed.

1.2.0 ( 26-July-2022 )

  • Added: New schema for Mosque, Church, Hindutemple, Buddhisttemple.
  • Added: Comment submit issue.
  • Added: New Hooks Added.
  • Fixed: Unused Assets Loading.
  • Fixed: Rating Value Validate.

1.1.14 ( 06-July-2022 )

  • Fixed: Misc Settings Added.

1.1.13 ( 06-Apr-2022 )

  • Fixed: Existings user support.

1.1.12 ( 05-Apr-2022 )

  • Added: Forums support issue fixed.

1.1.11 ( 04-Apr-2022 )

  • Added: New Settings Tab Added.

1.1.10 ( 02-Feb-2022 )

  • Added: New Settings added for human redable time.

1.1.9 ( 01-Feb-2022 )

  • Added: New Settings added.
  • Fixed: Review From Frontend validation.

1.1.8 ( 27-Jan-2022 )

  • Fixed: Review Client side validation
  • Added: Get help page added.

1.1.7 (12-Jan-2022)

  • Fixed: Css file missed for Affiliate Review & Schema

1.1.6 (30-Dec-2021)

  • Added: Book schema in pro version.
  • Added: RealStateListing schema in pro version.
  • Fixed: Some functional issue

1.1.5 (22-Dec-2021)

  • Fixed: Percentage circle firefox issue
  • Fixed: Some CSS issue
  • Fixed: Some functional issue

1.1.4 (24-Nov-2021)

  • Added: Global Schema Settings
  • Added: Auto fill schema for pro

1.1.3 (10-Nov-2021)

  • Fixed: Restaurant schema menu items issue
  • Fixed: Minor CSS issues

1.1.2 (06-Oct-2021)

  • Fixed: Some functional issue

1.1.1 (30-Sep-2021)

  • Fixed: Some functional issue

1.1.0 (21-Sep-2021)

  • Added: Person Schema
  • Added: About Schema
  • Added: Contact Schema
  • Added: Service Schema

1.0.3 (31-Aug-2021)

  • Fixed: Schema featured image auto fill

1.0.2 (27-Aug-2021)

  • Fixed: Schema Author URL

1.0.1 (19-Aug-2021)

  • Fixed: Only schema settings bug
  • Improved: Some settings
  • Added: Audio Schema

1.0.0 (18-Aug-2021)

  • Initial load of the plugin.