SureFeedback Client Site


This is the Child plugin for SureFeedback

The SureFeedback plugin lets you collect sticky note-style feedback on page designs and web projects. It’s so easy to use. Clients can select specific areas of your design, point, click, and type constructive comments on top of your mockups and site designs.

Using SureFeedback, the client can show as well as tell, providing targeted feedback for a more efficient workflow.

SureFeedback is a self-hosted client feedback system that allows you to get feedback on an endless amount of client sites from one central dashboard.

The SureFeedback Client Site plugin is used to securely sync multiple WordPress client identities with your SureFeedback parent site.

All you need to do is install the plugin on the site you want feedback on and it’s ready to go.

Features include:

  • Connect and sync your client’s identities with your SureFeedback projects.
  • No login or registration is required if your client is logged into their own site.
  • Choose which roles you want to allow for commenting.
  • Allow non-users (guests) to leave comments.
  • Optionally enable commenting on the WordPress admin.
  • White label support


  1. Go to Plugins -> Add New and search for SureFeedback Client Site
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings -> SureFeedback to configure the plugin options.


What is the purpose of this plugin?

The purpose of this plugin is to make it simple to get targeted feedback from clients on web designs. All you have to do is install the SureFeedback plugin and let your clients select areas of your design to add their own comments. Everything is tracked within the plugin. It’s so easy to use!


July 10, 2024 1 reply
We had an issue and within 2 days, support had everything sorted out. Turns out object cache was the culprit.TY for your work and efforts!
February 23, 2024
SureFeedback paid for itself 5 times over with my newest client! And I have to give a shout-out to Arindam of SureFeedback support 🙂 I was having initial setup issues and my client was beginning to feel like they were beta-testing a new app. A quick support ticket later which was answered by Arindam, identified the issue (a conflict with Wordfence) and provided me with an easy solution that solved the issue in seconds. (just had to whitelist a couple of SureFeedback URLs in Wordfence WAF) Cheers to Arindam and SureFeedback for not only saving my hair but saving me a new client 🙂
February 1, 2024 1 reply
I DON’T WRITE TESTIMONIALS OFTEN BECAUSE THEY TEND TO BE FIVE STAR , A RARITY OR ONE STAR OUT OF DISSAPPOINTMENT. This is a FIVE STAR moment. I have tried a number of Client Feedback products and have to say for the money this is outstanding. Go try it, they offer a two week trial period, and see for yourself the ease of using it , simplicity of having all comments in one spot, including emails related to the projects resulting in the obvious benefit of that alone! Monty Benton Owner
December 16, 2023 1 reply
if you are webdeveloper or agency, then go for it. we tried a lot, but always coming back to projecthuddle (surefeedback now).
December 5, 2023 1 reply
This tool helps keep my projects organised and saves me so much time during projects. I really couldn’t work without it anymore. The support team are also fantastic. They assisted me with my issues and showed me step by step what I have done wrong and how to mitigate this in the future.A++++
Read all 28 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“SureFeedback Client Site” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“SureFeedback Client Site” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Improvement: Updated help document links.


  • Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 6.5


  • Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 6.4.1


  • Updated banner images.


  • Rebranding ProjectHuddle as SureFeedback.


  • Improvement: Implemented nonce verification and data sanitization to enhance security.


  • Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 6.3


  • Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 6.0.2


  • Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 6.0.
  • Improvement: Help link added for detailed instructions of site connection.
  • Improvement: Comment access settings description and label changes.


  • Improvement: Added “Visit Dashboard Site” button on the connection page.
  • Improvement: Allow Guests to Comment setting text changed as Allow Site Visitors to view and add comments.
  • Improvement: Renamed settings menu title from “Feedback” to “SureFeedback” and added white label support.
  • Improvement: Connection details input box disabled after connection is established.


  • Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 5.9.


  • Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 5.8.1.


  • Fix issue with guest commenting sometimes not working.


  • Remove unnecessary admin notices regarding caching for Flywheel and WPEngine.


  • Use localstorage for access token to eliminate issues with client site caching.


  • Fix issue with display names containing apostrophes.


  • Add notices for WPEngine, Flywheel cache exclusions.


  • Fix issue with visiting access links to subpages not storing cookie correctly on other pages.


  • Fix compatibility issue with Elementor.


  • Fix compatibility issue with Divi.


  • Fix compatibility issue with Beaver Builder.


  • Fix compatibility issue with Fusion Builder.


  • Fix issue with author not applying in white label options.


  • Make sure widget only loads once per page in case of duplicate wp_footer calls.


  • Add admin check to gettext filter to scope to plugin page before running function.


  • Fix issue for accounts who’s emails contain a “+” sign.


  • Hide on Oxygen builder pages.


  • Scope gettext calls to plugins page only to prevent logging excessive functions.
  • Use PH_HIDE_WHITE_LABEL to hide white label tab from plugin settings.


  • Disable comment interface on elementor builder.


  • Fix cookie expiration date


  • Allow access links to load comment interface (must use SureFeedback 3.6.17+)


  • Defer script to not interfere with html parser in older browsers


  • Update minimum WordPress requirement
  • Make sure it cannot be activated if Parent plugin is activated on same installation.


  • Add white label options.


  • Update readme description and plugin title.


  • Update readme description and plugin title.


  • Fix manual import.


  • Add access token override.


  • Initial release