

This plugin has been closed as of July 19, 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


This plugin provides 5 blocks.

  • Easy Testimonials
  • Easy Testimonials
  • Easy Testimonials
  • Easy Testimonials
  • Easy Testimonials


April 24, 2023
Seemed to work pretty well when first installed 2 years ago. But now the shortcode generator doesn’t work nor does the widget applications. Time to change plugins!
March 4, 2023
I have used this plugin for YEARS and loved it but all of the sudden all of the reviews on the sites running this plugin are broken and they aren’t even all having the same issue! On some it’s displaying the testimonials in broken code, on others it is displaying them duplicated, and on yet others they aren’t displaying at all! I was able to fix the code issue by installing a schema plugin but that didn’t work on all the sites that had that problem. I can even then remove the schema plugin and it had somehow “fixed” the error but I don’t trust it. I have a dozen sites with broken testimonials at the moment. GRRRRRRR.
March 1, 2023
Buggy, and unresponsive support. Latest version flakey with console errors and broken slideshow. Earlier working versions showing up on bulletins with vulnerabilities. This isn’t the plugin you’re looking for, move along….
Read all 88 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Easy Testimonials” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Easy Testimonials” has been translated into 3 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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