Clicky Analytics


Using a widget, Clicky Analytics Plugin displays detailed info and stats about: online users, number of visits, number of actions, bounce rates, organic searches, time average directly on your Admin Dashboard.

This plugin automatically inserts Clicky Web Analytics cookieless tracking code in each page of your website.

Clicky Admin Dashboard features:

  • you can access your website’s basic statistics in a widget on your Administration Dashboard
  • cache feature, this improves loading speeds
  • access level settings
  • option to display top 30 pages, referrers and searches (sortable by columns)
  • option to display Clicky Analytics statistics on frontend, at the end of each article
  • has multilingual support, a POT file is available for translations.

Clicky Tracking features:

  • cookieless tracking
  • enable/disable Clicky Web Analytics tracking code
  • user names tracking feature
  • e-mails tracking feature
  • video actions tracking for Youtube
  • video actions tracking for HTML5
  • asynchronously load of Clicky Web Analytics tracking code

User privacy oriented features (GDPR and other):

  • IP address anonymization
  • global opt-out feature
  • tools to comply with GDPR requests from your visitors
  • cookie-free/cookieless tracking

Clicky Custom Dashboard:

  • all clicky stats are available in a custom dashboard, under your blog’s administration panel.

Some features like video analytics and custom data tracking will require a Clicky Analytics Pro account.

Further reading


This plugin it’s released under the GPLv2, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial website.


  • Clicky Analytics stats
  • Clicky Analytics Location stats
  • Clicky Analytics Top Pages, Top Referrers and Top Searches stats
  • Clicky Analytics Settings


  1. Upload the full directory into your wp-content/plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin at the plugin administration page
  3. Open the plugin configuration page, which is located under Settings -> Clicky Analytics and enter your Site Key and Site ID
  4. Save your configuration
  5. Enjoy your Clicky reports and stats!

A step by step tutorial is available here: Clicky Analytics video tutorial


Where can I find my Clicky Site Key and Site ID?

Follow this step by step video tutorial: Clicky Analytics

Some settings are missing from your video tutorial …

We are constantly improving our plugin, sometimes the video tutorial may be a little outdated.


January 23, 2024 2 replies
5 million rows of data, really? If you want your website to slow to a crawl, and backups to take hours to generate, and restorations to take days, then this plugin may be for you. Bleh, BLOAT.
August 25, 2022
In view of replacing Universal Analytics with Google Analytics 4, I found Clicky really useful for those sites that don’t need complicated statistics. Setup is really easy
February 5, 2021
Clicky is one of the best analytics tool with so many ingenious features. Real time analytics is Clicky´s forte wich provide us deep insights into our customers behavior. Setup is simple and the service is dead easy to use. Highly recommended to everyone!
August 12, 2020
I have used Clicky before, so familiar with how to set it up. However, using this plugin did not work for me. After spending days trying to get it to work without success, I finally added the Clicky tracking code to the footer.php file and tracking immediately worked. Frustrating!!!
August 1, 2020
Clicky is a great alternative to Google Analytics, which I refuse to use. I also use Statcounter. Right now I prefer Statcounter because it seems to pick up more referring page information than Clicky does. I don’t know if this is a problem with the plugin or Clicky analytics but the missing information is sometimes pretty critical because I will get a spike in traffic and I don’t know where it is coming from or what page they visited.
Read all 25 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Clicky Analytics” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Clicky Analytics” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Clicky Analytics” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


2.2.3 (2024.02.05)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • fixes PHP 8.3 deprecated warnings
    • fixes jQuery deprecated warnings

2.2.2 (2024.01.27)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • fixes PHP 8.x deprecated warnings
    • use plugin’s own cron hook
    • delete crons on uninstall
    • add compatibility for WordPress version lower than 5.3.0

2.2.1 (2024.01.26)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • prevent multiple Clicky Analytics reports calls at first widget render
  • Enhancements:
    • clear expired cache daily using WP Cron

2.1 (2023.12.20)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • multiple CSS and URI fixes

2.0.4 (2023.12.02)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • daterange picker bug fix, store the last selected date interval label instead of the actual date range

2.0.3 (2023.09.30)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • fixes PHP 8.x count() fatal errors

2.0.2 (2023.09.06)

  • Enhancements:
    • Clicky Analytics UI improvements on area chart
    • Clicky Analytics API call optimization
  • Bug Fixes:
    • fixes a bug preventing other roles to view the clicky stats on admin dashboard

2.0.1 (2023.08.08)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • multiple fixes for Location, Pages and Referrers reports

2.0 (2023.08.07)

  • Enhancements:
    • new UI design and lots of UX improvements
    • complete code refactoring


  • Enhancements:
    • add option to disable Clicky Analytics widget on admin dashboard

= 1.7
* Bug Fixes:
* fix invalid links
* use sprintf for plugin i18n
* Security:
* switching all links and calls to HTTPS


  • Bug Fixes:
    • code formatting
  • Enhancements:
    • settings page cleanup


  • Enhancements:
    • major tracking code upgrade, uses the latest Clicky tracking code


  • Bug Fixes:
    • removed some white spaces, causing footer issues


  • Bug Fixes:
    • remove the “X of Y support threads in the last…” text


  • Bug Fixes:
    • multiple text domain fixes for i18n


  • Enhancements:
    • major tracking code upgrade, uses the latest Clicky tracking code (with navigator.sendBeacon)


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixes a PHP notice when video tracking isn’t enabled


  • Bug Fixes:
    • YouTube video tracking support missing


  • Bug Fixes:
    • some small code fixes
  • Enhancements:
    • ability to track Outbound Link Patterns
    • support for HTML5 media tracking


  • Bug Fixes:
    • fixes some PHP notices


  • Bug Fixes:
    • switch to get_sites() while maintaining compatibility with older WP installs
    • use the new library loader for Google Charts


  • Bug Fixes:
    • replaces get_currentuserinfo() which was deprecated since WordPress 4.5, props Stanko Metodiev
  • Enhancements:
    • ready


  • Bug Fix: white screen on custom dashboard


  • Bug Fix: updated error text
  • Bug Fix: plugin options cleared during deactivation/activation
  • Enhancement: adding noscript tracking capability


  • Bug Fix: display mixed content when using https
  • Bug Fix: some frontend stats were not generated properly
  • Bug Fix: custom dashboard fix


  • bugfix: notices and warnings in main dashboard
  • language file updates
  • hardening security


  • allow specified access level to view the custom dashboard
  • custom dashboard is now able to display all clicky stats


  • data validation and sanitization
  • switching from cURL to wp_remote_get
  • additional dedicated dashboard for Clicky stats
  • css tweaks
  • code optimizations
  • display stats in frontend even if there are no organic searches
  • added install/uninstall functions
  • updated translations
  • default options update


  • all clicky analytics requests are now made using cURL


  • hidding error messages on frontend stats


  • updates on clicky tracking code and some action hooks


  • notices and warnings fixes
  • less error prone


  • minor fixes and updates


  • added additional error messages
  • fixed some minor issues


  • fixed article view crash when no stats are available


  • switched to cURL, to increase compatibility with some webhostings
  • removed trailing commas on charts, for IE8 compatibility


  • table title fix for top pages
  • language file updated


  • switch to internal jQuery library
  • added video actions tracking for Youtube
  • added video actions tracking for HTML5


  • first release