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What do you believe is the biggest issue currently facing WPA? How do you plan to handle it?

Growth. Which is solving itself.

As for something more actionable I think tags need dedicated attention and work to make them adequate and useful.


Should we be afraid you'll burn out or become even more fanatic?

I am openly anti-fanatic. I spend so much time here because it is educational and worthwhile. And will keep doing so for those reasons, not out of blind habit or boredom.

How do you expect becoming a moderator will change or influence the way you use WPA?

I will spend a lot of time on site, cleaning up things that need attention as I ecnounter them. So - won't change anything.

Will you have the time to spend moderating the site? How much time do you think you'll spend modding?

Additional time? Not really. Currently most of my cleanups are when reading stream of recent questions, in community wikis and when I have time to burn on old unanswered questions.

I don't see much to do on top of it (on regular basis, some things like discussions on meta aren't daily).

What is it of being a moderator that appeals to you? You will be, for many users, the overlords of the site, and will have to make decisions on behalf of the community. Is it so you can show people you have a pointy diamond next to your name, to give back to the community, because you really, really like power, or something else?

I do not see moderators as governing overlords. I mostly see their role as stamp of (dis)approval. That is role of guidance and control rather than throwing from-the-top commands.

The appeal for me personally is being able to expedite (and answer for of course) my own decisions. It's about doing things worth doing on the spot and right now.


What are your opinions on the various WordPress versioning tags? Do you feel they benefit the site and make it easier to use?

I see the merit in the idea, but in practice (due to technical nuances like auto-suggest) it fails miserably. The cases of adequate usage drown in sea of messy. I believe that version tags should be banned.

What's your stance on duplicates and how should they be handled?

There is no blanket solution to duplicates. I always treat them individually.

Do you feel it is the role of a moderator to promote the site? How would you promote WPA to the wider WordPress community?

Promotion is a function that any user (moderator or not) can take. Being moderator doesn't make you more responsible for it (or productive at it either).

I promote site just like and just as much as I promote anything I like - through my blog, twitter and such. It's what I know.

How do you feel that WPA fits in with the overall WordPress ecology?

I think that in light of lacking and inconsistent documentation it is de-facto best model to handle information on topic that complex with community oversight and input that efficient.

Moderator Powers

How will you deal with having a binding close vote?

When I think it's thumbs-down - it's thumbs-down. I feel that there still is not enough users to reliably close question by community vote alone. I know old useless questions that I initiated and failed to close multiple times.

Maybe later moderators will be able to stand aside, but for now binding close is important to exercise because otherwise many deserving questions won't be closed.

How do you feel about suspensions? in what cases should it be used? and not?

We have suspensions? First time I hear about that and I am not aware if it was ever used at WPSE. No experience, so no opinion.


What do you feel is a good way to deal with new users posting bad questions?

There are different kinds of bad questions. Try to give some guidance, give it time, take appropriate action (ignore, cleanup, close, etc) from there.

How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments?

While I will need to adjust my action and reaction for benefit of site's community, personally I have zero tolerance for trolls. There are a lot of experts and most of them have a clue about efficient interaction. I fail to imagine WP knowledge that valuable and exclusive that will make it worthwhile to waste nerves on conflict and disrespect.


Which three nominees do you think are the most suited to become the next moderators and why?

To be honest I think that Mike's enormous contribution to content makes his contribution to moderation not that significant in comparison. :) He is one of the site's cornerstones and deserves community's trust more than anyone.

As I mentioned on nomination page it's Eric who is usually on receiving end of our flags. I saw him handle countless issues and it is moderation aspect that is not flashy yet highly important.

Not yet nominated, but I sincerely hope Jan will. While by SE moderation model a lot of it is reactive I see him bringing excellent proactive organizational thinking to the site.