
Manage Notification E-mails

停用或啟用 WordPress 的通知電子郵件,包含新使用者註冊、變更密碼、自動更新等。可與其他外掛完美整合!
December 7, 2023
Manage Notification E-mails

With this plugin you can switch the different WordPress notification e-mails on and off, like options as the new user and password change notifications send by WordPress to the administrator and user. Works perfectly in combination with a lot of other plugins!

Watch this nice tut made by Robert Orzanna:

The options you can manage are:

  1. New user notification to admin
  2. New user notification to user
  3. Notify post author
  4. Notify moderator
  5. Password change notification to admin
  6. Password change notification to user
  7. E-mail address change notification to user
  8. Forgotten password e-mail to user
  9. Forgotten password e-mail to administrator
  10. Automatic WordPress core update e-mail
  11. Automatic WordPress plugin update e-mail
  12. Automatic WordPress theme update e-mail
  13. Send admin notifications to extra admin e-mail addresses (1.7.0)
  14. Send an e-mail to administrators after a user requested to update his or her e-mail address (1.7.0)
  15. Send an e-mail to administrators after a user successfully updated his or her e-mail address (1.7.0)
  16. Multi-site support! Now you can manage your notification settings in one single environment (1.8.0)
  17. Export and import settings (1.8.0)

The automatic core, plugin, and theme updates have a special built-in feature. When one of these options is disabled, successful e-mails don���t get send out, but failed updates still will send an e-mail to the admin.

This version contains some nice new stuff. If you find any issues, let me know. If you like the new features, please be so kind to give this plugin a good rating! It will help me to keep up the good work for you 🙂

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此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。