Back to Support Hosting Upload Apple Pay file to .well-known folder using SFTP

Upload Apple Pay file to .well-known folder using SFTP

When enabling Apple Pay and integrating it into your website, you may need to upload an Apple Pay verification file to the website location

This feature is available on sites with the Creator and Entrepreneur plans, and the legacy Pro plan. For sites on the free, Starter, and Explorer plans, upgrade your plan to access this feature.

Uploading the Apple Pay verification file using SFTP

You may upload the file to your website using SFTP. To do so, please open an SFTP client and log into the website using the SFTP credentials provided at Settings → Hosting Configuration. In this guide, we use the Transmit app (macOS). You may also use your preferred SFTP client.

A sample screenshot of login module on Transmit app

Upon connecting, you should see your website’s root directory (/htdocs).

A sample screenshot of Transmit app displaying a logged in SFTP with htdocs area filled with wp-load.php, wp-content folder, wp-config.php, jetpack-temp folder, and _wp__

Right-click on the root folder, and click ‘New Folder’.

An orange arrow pointing to text "New Folder" on a pop-up module from right-click mouse action

A new folder should be created on the root directory. Set the name of the folder to .well-known (don’t forget the dot (.) at the beginning of the folder name!)

A sample screenshot from Transmit app, displaying a new folder created named .well-known

The .well-known folder should be created. Double click the folder to open it.

A sample screenshot from Transmit app, displaying a new folder created named .well-known

Locate the Apple Pay verification file on your computer on the sidebar of your SFTP client. Right click on the file, and click the option ‘Upload “apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.txt”‘. Note that the Apple Pay verification file is usually in the TXT format.

An orange arrow pointing to text "Upload "apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.txt"" on a pop-up module from right-click mouse action

Your file should be uploaded successfully on the website.

A sample screenshot from Transmit app, displaying a successfully uploaded apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.txt file on .well-known folder

Questions? Additional assistance?

If you require further assistance, please contact a Happiness Engineer.

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