Back to Support Policies & Safety Self-Harm and Online Safety

Self-Harm and Online Safety

Every day, roughly 1,300,000 posts are published on in over 100 languages and about all kinds of topics, from people all around the world. We rely on community members to help alert us to blogs with sensitive content that you may be concerned about. If you see any of the following on, note that we will not remove the site, but there are steps you can take to help.

If you are currently in crisis, please contact the Crisis Lifeline. The trained operators at Lifeline are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Self-Harm and Suicidal Content

If you see a direct threat of suicide on and you know the blogger, please contact law enforcement immediately.

If you do not know the blog owner personally, but want to help, please:

Eating Disorders

While will not remove content that promotes or encourages disordered eating, we do appreciate your concern. If you see a blogger promoting or writing about an eating disorder, we recommend that you contact any of the local helplines below to find out more information about how you can help, or to leave a supportive comment on his or her post with these resources.

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