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Add Chapters and Captions to a Video

Enhance the engagement and accessibility of a video with chapters and captions (subtitles). This guide will show you how to add chapters and subtitles to a WordPress video.

Add Video Chapters

You can add chapters once you upload a video. Chapters offer a quick way to navigate longer videos and can be an excellent addition for your viewers.

Add Video Chapters Via Block Settings

To add chapters to a video you have inserted into a page or post, follow these steps:

  1. In the editor, click on the Video or VideoPress block where the video is coming from.
  2. View the block settings on the right side.

If you do not see the sidebar on the right, click the Settings icon in the top right corner to bring up the settings. This icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

The settings icon in the top right corner
  1. In the “Details” section, locate the “Description” box.
  2. Add a list of timestamps and titles into the description using the following guidelines (an example is shown in the image below):
    • Write the timestamp followed by the name of the chapter.
    • Make sure that the first timestamp starts at 00:00.
    • Add at least three chapter entries and as many as you need.
    • Add your chapter entries in consecutive order, with at least 10-second intervals between each.
  3. Click the “Update” or “Save” button in the top-right corner of the editor to save your changes.
An example of video chapters, where the first is 00:00 named Intro, followed by 00:24 named Mountains arise.
How to format video chapters

Add Video Chapters Via Media

You can also add video chapters to a video via your site’s Media by following these steps:

  1. In your site’s dashboard, navigate to Media.
  2. Click on a video, then click the “Edit” button.
  3. Look for the “Description” box on the right side:
The Media Library editor for a video with the Description highlighted.
  1. In the description box, add a list of timestamps and titles into the description using the following guidelines (an example is shown in the image above):
    • Write the timestamp followed by the name of the chapter.
    • Make sure that the first timestamp starts at 00:00.
    • Add at least three chapter entries and as many as you need.
    • Add your chapter entries in consecutive order, with at least 10-second intervals between each.
  2. Click on “Done” to save your changes.

Add Text Tracks for Subtitles and Captions

You can add a VTT text tracks file (used for subtitles/ captions) to help with the accessibility and engagement of your video. To add a text track:

  1. Create a .vtt formatted text file.
  2. Click the “Text Tracks” icon in the Video or VideoPress block’s toolbar:
Click the Text Tracks icon in the Video block to upload a .vtt caption file.
  1. Upload your .vtt file. It will then ask you for the Label, Source language, and Kind:
    • Label: This is the title of the track that will be displayed within the video’s user interface.
    • Source language: Choose a valid BCP 47 language tag for the language used in the text track.
    • Kind: This can be subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata:
      • Subtitles are translations of the dialogue in the video when audio is available but not understood.
      • Captions are a transcription of the dialogue, sound effects, musical cues, and other audio information in the video. These are useful when the viewer is deaf/hard of hearing or the video is muted.
      • Descriptions of what’s happening in the video for when the video portion isn’t available because the viewer is visually impaired, not using a screen, or driving. Descriptions are read by a screen reader or turned into a separate audio track.
      • Chapters are used to create navigation within the video. The viewer will see a list of chapters and can click on one to go to a specific chapter.
      • Metadata is for JavaScript to parse and do something with. These aren’t shown to the user.
  2. Click on “Save” to add the track to the video.
  3. Preview your post, and the subtitles option will be available in the video player.

Viewers can use the Captions Settings option in the video player to turn captions on or off and change to other available languages:

A video player showing options to turn captions off and change the language.

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