
WPGlobus — Всё на всех языках!

Многоязычность / Глобализация: мгновенное переключение сайта на другой язык; простой интерфейс администратора, совместимость с Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack и ACF!
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June 14, 2023
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WPGlobus — Всё на всех языках!

WPGlobus — это коллекция плагинов ВордПресс для создания мультиязычных сайтов.

Quick Start Video

Please also read the Quick Start Guide.

Important Notes: please read before using WPGlobus!

    • WPGlobus does NOT translate texts automatically! You will translate texts manually.
    • WPGlobus supports Gutenberg and WPBakery Page Builder. Other builders, such as «Page Builder by SiteOrigin», «Beaver Builder», Fusion («Avada»), Elegant («Divi»), Elementor, etc. are currently in development.
    • WPGlobus stores all translations using a special format: {:en}English{:}{:fr}French{:}{:es}Spanish{:}. If you decide to deactivate and uninstall WPGlobus, you must run the clean-up tool to keep only one language. See the details on the «Welcome» tab in the WPGlobus Settings.
    • WPGlobus use browser cookies to store the selected language in the form wpglobus-language=xx where xx is a two-letter language code: en, de, fr, etc.
    • The multisite mode (multiple virtual sites sharing a single WordPress installation) is not tested and not supported.
    • Some functionality is available only with our premium add-ons. Details below.
    • We develop and test our software using the latest versions of PHP, WordPress, and all plugins. If you have an older version and something is not working properly — please upgrade before contacting us.
    • For the full UTF-8 compatibility and better performance, please make sure that the Multibyte String PHP extension is enabled.

What is in the FREE version of WPGlobus?

The WPGlobus plugin provides you with the general multilingual tools.

  • Manually translate posts, pages, categories, tags, menus, and widgets;
  • Добавить возможность писать контент на разных языках, используя различные комбинации флаг-страна-локаль-язык;
  • Настраивать СЕО в мультиязычном режиме с помощью Yoast SEO или All in One SEO;
  • Переключаться между языками, используя меню или виджет;
  • Быстро переключать язык Администратора используя top bar меню;

Плагин WPGlobus служит фундаментом, на котором построены остальные наши плагины.

There are several Free Add-ons:

  • WPGlobus Featured Images: настройка картинок отдельно для каждого языка.
  • WPGlobus Translate Options: enables selective translation of the wp_options table strings. You need to use it when your theme or a 3rd party plugin (a slider, for example) allows you to enter some texts (headings, buttons, etc.) and stores them in the options table.
  • WPGlobus for WPBakery Page Builder: enables WPGlobus on certain themes that use WPBakery’s Builder in the standard («classic») mode.
  • WPGlobus for Black Studio TinyMCE Widget: adds multilingual editing capabilities to the visual editor widget.

When do I need WPGlobus Premium Add-ons?

  • To translate URLs (/my-page/ translates to /fr/ma-page, /ru/моя-страница and so on);
  • To «postpone» translation to all languages and publish only those that are ready;
  • To have completely separate menus for each language;
  • To translate WooCommerce products and taxonomies;
  • To have separate «focus keywords» for each language in the Yoast SEO;
  • …and more.

For more details, please check out the descriptions of each paid add-on on our website:

  • WooCommerce WPGlobus: многоязычность для онлайн магазинов на WooCommerce.
  • WPGlobus Plus: adds URL fine-tuning, publishing status per translation, multilingual Yoast SEO analysis and more.
  • WPGlobus Language Widgets: Multilingual widget logic: show and hide widget depending on the current language.
  • WPGlobus Header Images: Display different header images per language. Show images depending on the settings in the Customizer.
  • WPGlobus Menu Visibility: Show or hide menu items depending on the current language.
  • WPGlobus Mobile Menu: makes the WPGlobus language switcher menu compatible with mobile devices and narrow screens.
  • WPGlobus for the «Bridge» theme: create different sliders for each language when using theme «Bridge».
  • Multilingual WooCommerce Nets Netaxept: with this add-on, you will be able to translate the Nets payment methods’ titles and descriptions to multiple languages.
  • WPGlobus for Ultimate Member: enables multilingual for all forms of the Ultimate Member (login, registration, user profile, etc), the Member Directories pages, the admin settings that are visible on frontend.
  • WPGlobus Multilingual Popups: enables multilingual support for the following plugins: Popup Maker – Popup for opt-ins, lead gen, & more; Popup Builder — Responsive WordPress Pop up.
  • WPGlobus Multilingual Notices: adds the multilanguage capabilities to various WordPress GDPR/cookie notifications plugins.

Compatibility with WordPress Themes

  • WPGlobus works correctly with all themes that apply proper filtering before outputting content.
  • As most of the themes save their settings in the options table, you can use the WPGlobus Translate Options plugin to process those settings correctly.
  • Some themes incorporate 3rd party plugins (e.g., sliders, forms, composers) — not all of them are 100% multilingual-ready. When you see elements that cannot be translated, please tell the theme/plugin authors. We are ready to help them.
  • Read more on the topic here.

Compatibility with WordPress Plugins

We have checked WPGlobus together with many plugins, including:

  • ACF — Advanced Custom Fields. WPGlobus Plus premium add-on is required for WYSIWYG fields support,
  • Advanced Post List,
  • All in One SEO Pack,
  • WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math,
  • Black Studio TinyMCE Widget (with our free add-on),
  • MailChimp for WordPress,
  • Max Mega Menu,
  • Popups — WordPress Popup,
  • Sidebar Login,
  • WPBakery Page Builder,
  • Whistles,
  • Widget Logic,
  • Yoast SEO. WPGlobus Plus premium add-on is required for multilingual focus keyword and SEO analysis.

Some 3rd-party plugins are supported with our premium add-ons:

Постоянные ссылки

ВАЖНО: WPGlobus не будет работать, если УРЛы Вашего сайта выглядят как или

Пойдите в настройки Settings->Permalinks и поменяйте структуру УРЛов так, чтобы в ней не было вопросительного знака или index.php. Если Вы не можете это сделать, обратитесь к сисадмину или провайдеру за помощью.

Note: WooCommerce adds their own section to the Permalinks. It is important to fill in all the information. For example, you need to specify your Shop Base, for example, /product/. If you leave it blank, WooCommerce will try to translate the base (eg /produkt/ for German), which will result in a 404 error.

Работа с `localhost` и нестандартными портами

WPGlobus скорее всего не будет работать на домашних серверах под УРЛами типа //localhost/mysite или на спец-портах типа // Пожалуйста, используйте нормальные домены (можно настроить фейк в /etc/hosts) и используйте стандартный порт 80.

Дополнительная информация. Как связаться с разработчиками.

Переводы интерфейса администратора:

NOTE: Please do not translate anything using the WordPress interface! Join our translation team on Transifex or translate the POT file using POEdit. Thank you!

Демо сайты

    • Bilingual site using a variety of posts, pages, custom post types, forms, and a WooCommerce store with Subscription and API extensions.
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