
Read More & Accordion

The best WordPress "Read more" plugin to help you show or hide your long content by button, accordion, and popups.
Last updated
July 3, 2024
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Read More & Accordion

Read More is the best WordPress Read More plugin to help you show or hide your long content.

With the help of Read More plugin you can make website with long content more beautiful. The part of the page you don`t want to see immediately,will be hidden after inserting it in the short code and will open by clicking the button. Use it to toggle (show/hide) blocks of text, by inserting a simple shortcode:

Read More by Edmon is a WordPress plugin that allows you include text which won’t be visible to users unless they press “Read More” button. Its purpose is to boost your SEO and your visitors’ experience, by allowing you to include tons of data readable by search engines, without affecting your visitors in a negative way.

With the read more you can also create Accordions to show your FAQ and more. The accordion can improve your website UX.

How to create read more popup example

How to create read more button

** Read more – Features: **

  • Button type
  • Inline Type
  • Link button type
  • Link type
  • Accordion type
  • Find And Replace type
  • Button dimension mode
  • Button width – button custom dimension
  • Button height – button custom dimension
  • Button auto mode padding
  • Font size – button custom font size
  • Expand animation duration – Expand custom animation duration

** Read more – PRO features: **

  • button background color – custom color.
  • button font family – button font family from google fonts.
  • button color – button text custom color.
  • button border radius – button border radius.
  • button horizontal alignment – button horizontal alignment.
  • button vertical alignment – button vertical alignment.
  • button vertical alignment – button vertical alignment.
  • more only on mobile devices – after activating this option, Read more will be shown only on mobile devices.
  • button background color on hover effect – after mouse hover effect read more button change background color.
  • button text color on hover effect – after mouse hover effect read more button change text color.
  • Auto open
  • Popup type
  • Popup width
  • Popup height
  • Popup max width
  • Popup max height
  • Popup initial width
  • Popup initial height
  • Popup show close button
  • Popup dismiss on overlay click
  • Popup dismiss on esc key
  • Popup overlay color
  • Popup content color
  • Popup content padding
  • Login adn Registration forms

Get Read More PRO package

Shortcode example: [expander_maker more=”Read more” less=”Read less”]Hidden text[/expander_maker]

We do web development and if you need a developer or if you think you have found a bug in Read more plugin, if you have any question, please feel free to contact us by this email

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.