
Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload – Contact Form 7

This simple plugin create Drag & Drop or choose Multiple File upload in your Confact Form 7 Forms.
Last updated
June 20, 2024
Active installations
Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload – Contact Form 7

Drag and Drop Multiple File Uploader is a simple, straightforward WordPress plugin extension for Contact Form7, which allows the user to upload multiple files using the drag-and-drop feature or the common browse-file of your webform.

Here’s a little DEMO.


  • File Type Validation
  • File Size Validation
  • Ajax Uploader
  • Limit number of files Upload.
  • Limit files size for each field
  • Can specify custom file types or extension
  • Manage Text and Error message in admin settings
  • Drag & Drop or Browse File – Multiple Upload
  • Support Multiple Drag and Drop in One Form.
  • Able to delete uploaded file before being sent
  • Send files as email attachment or as a links. (see note below)
  • Support multiple languages
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Cool Progress Bar
  • Compatible with any browser


Note: On Free version, all uploaded files moves to a temporary folder (“/wp-content/uploads/wp_dndcf7_uploads”) then attaches the file to the mail and sends it. After that “Drag & Drop File Upload” removes the file from the temporary folder 1 hour after the submission. ( same process with the default “file” upload of Contact Form 7 – See here )

To adjust or disable the auto-deletion feature, we suggest upgrading to the PRO version for more options (see below).

⭐ Premium Features ⭐

Check out the available features in the PRO version.

  • Image Preview – Show Thumbnail for images
  • Adjust Auto Deletion of Files – After Form Submission
    • (1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours , days, months etc)
  • Zip Files ( Compressed File )
  • Save Files to “WordPress Media Library”
  • Change WordPress Upload Directory
  • Change Upload Folder To:
    • Contact Form 7 – Fields
    • Generated Date & Time – Timestamp
    • Random Folder
    • By User – Required Login
    • Custom Folder
    • Dynamic Folder – user (name, id), post (id, slug), cf7 fields
  • Send as Individual Email Attachments, Zip Archive, or Links”
  • Chunks Upload ( Break large files into smaller Chunks )
    • Capable of uploading large files.
  • set a Max Total Size ( of all Uploaded Files )
  • Parallel Upload (No. of files that can be uploaded simultaneously)
  • Change Filename Pattern ({filename}, {cf7-field-name}, {ip_address}, {random}, {post_id}, {post_slug}, etc.)
  • New – Color Options (File Size, Progress Bar, Filename, etc.)
  • New – Disabled the Button to Prevent Duplicate Submissions”
  • New – Image preview on email
  • New – File Remote Storage (OneDrive, Google Drive, Amazon S3, FTP, Dropbox)
  • New – Save Form Entries in the Admin
  • New – Select “Dark” or “Light” Theme
  • New – Validate Image Sizes (Width & Height)
  • Able Resize Image (ie: 800×800) – Standard Version Only
  • Automatically Optimizing Images (Standard Version Only)
  • Enhanced Security (Updated Regularly)
  • Code Optimization and Improved Performance

Pro version is also compatible with:

  • Contact Form 7 Add-on – Arshid
  • Database for Contact Form 7- Ninja
  • Advanced Contact form 7 DB – Vsourz Digital

You can get PRO Version here!


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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.