
Display Posts – Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more

Add a listing of content on your website using a simple shortcode. Filter the results by category, author, and more.
Last updated
June 3, 2024
Active installations
Display Posts – Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more

Display Posts allows you easily list content from all across your website. Start by adding this shortcode in the content editor to display a list of your most recent posts:


Filter by Category

To only show posts within a certain category, use the category parameter:

[display-posts category="news"]

Display as Post Grid

You can create a great looking, column-based grid of posts with a bit of styling. Here’s how!

List Popular Posts You can highlight your popular content in multiple ways. If you want to feature the posts with the most comments, use:

[display-posts orderby="comment_count"]

You can also list most popular posts by social shares.

Include thumbnails, excerpts, and more The display parameters let you control what information is displayed for each post. To include an image and summary, use:

[display-posts include_excerpt="true" image_size="thumbnail"]

You can use any image size added by WordPress (thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large) OR any custom image size added by your theme or other plugins.

Sort the list however you like By default the listing will list the newest content first, but you can order by title, menu order, relevance, content type, metadata, and more.

List upcoming events You can easily list upcoming events from any event calendar. Each plugin will require slightly different code.

Here are tutorials for popular event calendar plugins. If your plugin is not listed here, submit a support request and I’ll add it!

Tutorials Our tutorials cover common customization requests, and are updated often.

Full Documentation

  • Query parameters for customizing which posts are listed (filter by category, tag, date…)
  • Display parameters determine how the posts appear (title, excerpt, image…)
  • Template parts for Display Posts to perfectly match your theme’s post listings
  • Output filter for complete control over how the listing looks on your site
  • Filters for even more powerful customizations for developers


Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.