
Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed

Site Kit is een one stop oplossing voor WordPress gebruikers om alles te gebruiken wat Google te bieden heeft om hen succesvol te maken op het web.
Laatst bijgewerkt
July 1, 2024
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Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed

Site Kit is the official WordPress plugin from Google for insights about how people find and use your site. Site Kit is the one-stop solution to deploy, manage, and get insights from critical Google tools to make the site successful on the web. It provides authoritative, up-to-date insights from multiple Google products directly on the WordPress dashboard for easy access, all for free.

Bringing the best of Google tools to WordPress

Site Kit includes powerful features that make using these Google products seamless and flexible:

  • Easy-to-understand stats directly on your WordPress dashboard
  • Official stats from multiple Google tools, all in one dashboard
  • Quick setup for multiple Google tools without having to edit the source code of your site
  • Metrics for your entire site and for individual posts
  • Easy-to-manage, granular permissions across WordPress and different Google products

Supported Google tools

Site Kit shows key metrics and insights from different Google products:

  • Search Console: Understand how Google Search discovers and displays your pages in Google Search. Track how many people saw your site in Search results, and what query they used to search for your site.
  • Analytics: Explore how users navigate your site and track goals you’ve set up for your users to complete.
  • AdSense: Keep track of how much your site is earning you.
  • PageSpeed Insights: See how your pages perform compared to other real-world sites. Improve performance with actionable tips from PageSpeed Insights.
  • Tag Manager: Use Site Kit to easily set up Tag Manager- no code editing required. Then, manage your tags in Tag Manager.
Gratisop Creator abonnement
Door te installeren, ga je akkoord met de Servicevoorwaarden van en de voorwaarden voor plugins van derden.
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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.