WordPress plugin die de inhoud van alle ACF velden aan de Yoast SEO score analyse toevoegt.
Laatst bijgewerkt
July 15, 2024
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ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO

This plugin ensures that Yoast SEO analyzes all ACF content including Flexible Content and Repeaters.

Yoast SEO for WordPress content and SEO analysis does not take in to account the content of a post’s Advanced Custom Fields. This plugin uses the plugin system of Yoast SEO for WordPress to hook into the analyser in order to add ACF content to the SEO analysis.

This had previously been done by the WordPress SEO ACF Content Analysis plugin but that no longer works with Yoast 3.0. Kudos to ryuheixys, the author of that plugin, for the original idea.

This Plugin is compatible with the free ACF 4 Version as well as with the PRO Version 5. Please be aware that it ignores Pro Add-Ons for Version 4. In that case please upgrade to ACF PRO Version 5.

If you have issues, please submit them on GitHub

Previously called Yoast ACF Analysis.


Remove specific field from scoring

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\blacklist_name', function ( $blacklist_name ) { $blacklist_name->add( 'my-field-name' ); return $blacklist_name; });

Remove field type from scoring

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\blacklist_type', function ( $blacklist_type ) { // text, image etc $blacklist_type->add( 'text' ); $blacklist_type->add( 'image' ); return $blacklist_type; });

Define custom field a specific heading value

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\headlines', function ( $headlines ) { // value from 1-6, 1=h1, 6=h6 $headlines['field_591eb45f2be86'] = 3; return $headlines; });

Vernieuwingsfrequentie wijzigen

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\ACF\refresh_rate', function () { // Refresh rates in milliseconds return 1000; });
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