Reaching out
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Reaching out

Video Transcript

Welcome back. And this is our last video together at least for this editing section of the course. There’s so much more stuff still to come about how to get your podcasts out to the world, on how to distribute it, and get your message across. And I really hope you��ve found what we’ve been doing together really valuable and useful.

Don’t forget this is your call so you can go back and listen to the different bits you want to again if you want to recap on stuff or revise stuff as well. Now for me personally, I think my final message from this part of the calls from me is, don’t be a stranger.

Podcasting in a podcasting community is really friendly and super helpful. Podcasting takes a bit of work, and there’s a lot of people out there who have gone through exactly the same experience that you have. And they want to share their passion with you.

So do reach out to them. Whether you’re talking about through our WordPress groups, or Facebook groups, or Twitter, or wherever you like to communicate with people. Reach out to people. I’m certainly on there, I’m loving chatting with people about podcasting.

My other thing as well is, that when I was a journalist, I was saw of we interviewed the same people over and over again. We always got the same guests on about the same stories. And I always knew even then that if we could actually find a way to reach out to more people, we could find the most amazing stories out there.

Even people – the thing got a story to tell. In my experience as a journalist is that everyone has got a fascinating story. And I know – I’m convinced that you have, and I can’t wait to hear it. You might have something is going to motivate me. It might change me, it might educate me, and it’s not just me, but a lot of other people who want to get that value from you.

So when you finish this course, I hope you’re going to start making an amazing series. It’s really going to transform people. How many people you reach, it doesn’t matter. Inspire them, motivate them, change them, whatever your goals are. I cannot wait to hear about your efforts. Have a wonderful rest of the course. And I hope to meet you online and in the world of podcasting.

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