Summary and Activity
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Summary and Activity

Throughout this exploration of email-delivered courses, you discovered the unique advantages of using email as your chosen platform. With the directness and personal touch that emails offer, and considering how frequently people check their inboxes, it’s clear how this method ensures consistent engagement with your course content. Plus, by harnessing the power of automation, delivering your course through email can become highly efficient.

Your first interactions with your students are paramount. The introduction and onboarding emails you send out will set the tone and pace for the entire learning journey. Together, we focused on crafting these foundational emails so that they set clear expectations, highlight the transformative potential of your course, and provide actionable next steps. This ensures that your students feel warmly welcomed and are thoroughly equipped to start their learning experience.

As you delved deeper into the module, you grasped the crucial role of sequencing. Whether you’re aligning your course based on thematic modules, progressive complexity, or interleaved learning, the sequence ensures that students journey through content in a logical, cohesive manner. This builds on their prior knowledge and continually reinforces key concepts. Remember, your sequencing should always reflect your course’s unique content and cater to your target audience’s specific needs.

Lastly, we highlighted the importance of nurturing community and continually gathering feedback within your courses. Encouraging a sense of belonging and actively seeking input from your students can make your course more dynamic and responsive. It’s this iterative feedback process, combined with the strategic benefits of email delivery, that will enhance your students’ educational experience.

In summary, throughout Module 3, you’ve been equipped with strategies for blending thoughtful course design with the inherent advantages of email, guiding you towards creating impactful email-delivered courses that truly resonate with your students.

And remember, our Newsletters 101 course will cover the technical nitty-gritty of setting up the Paid Newsletter or MailPoet features to handle the distribution of your email-delivered courses.

Learning Action: Designing your email course blueprint

If you’re planning to create an email-delivered course, now is a great time to apply the principles learned in this module and create a basic outline for your email-delivered course.


  • Introduction email: Draft a short introduction email for your course. It should:
    • Clarify the main theme or objective of your course.
    • Highlight at least one core benefit to the student.
    • Provide a clear action step or what they should expect next.
  • Onboarding email sequence: List out three onboarding emails’ subject lines that will guide your students after the introduction:
    • Example: “Getting Started: Setting Up Your Workspace for [CourseName]”
    • Example: “What to Expect Each Week in [CourseName]”
    • Example: “[CourseName] Community: Connect, Share, and Grow Together!”
  • Email sequencing: Outline the first five lesson topics or modules of your course in the sequence you’d want to deliver them via email.
  • Example:
    • Basics of [Topic]
    • Dive Deeper: Exploring [Sub-topic]
    • Hands-on Activity: Applying [Topic/Sub-topic]
    • Common Challenges and Solutions in [Topic]
    • Case Study: Real-world Application of [Topic]

Keep this blueprint handy. As you proceed with the course and refine your ideas, you can revisit and enhance this outline.

Sequencing Emails for Learning

Introduction to Sensei LMS

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