Introduction to Online Courses
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Introduction to Online Courses

Wondering if you have the expertise to teach a course? You’re not alone. Many hesitate because they don’t see themselves as ‘experts’. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to be the ultimate authority on a subject to teach it. All you need is to know more than the people you aim to help. As we go along, we’ll demystify the whole process of offering online courses — even if you’re just a few steps ahead of your audience. Trust us, those few steps can make a world of difference to someone eager to learn.

Why online courses matter

So, why the fuss about online courses? Ever been so passionate about a subject that you wanted to share it far and wide? Now imagine breaking free from geographical and time constraints. That’s the power of online courses — they’re a stage for you to share your skills and knowledge with a global audience. Here’s why that’s a game-changer:

Global reach: Traditional classrooms are limited by location and size. With an online course, you can share your expertise with someone from another continent as easily as with your next-door neighbor. Your digital classroom is as big as the Internet itself.

Flexibility: Let’s face it, we all have busy lives. The beauty of online courses is that they allow for flexibility. You can teach, and your students can learn, whenever it suits you both. No more rushing to make it to a 9 am lecture.

Financial benefits: If you’ve honed a skill or amassed valuable knowledge, why not benefit financially from it? Online courses can be free, but many educators opt to charge for their courses, creating an additional income stream.

Community building: Offering a course allows you to build a community of like-minded individuals. It’s not just about disseminating information; it’s about creating an interactive platform for discussion, queries, and collective growth.

Ease of creation: If the idea of building an online course sounds daunting, take a breath. Platforms like have made it simpler than you might think. With various tools and templates at your disposal, you can focus on what truly matters: crafting great content.

In a nutshell, online courses let you impact lives on a grand scale, offer learning flexibility, generate income, build a community, and do it all relatively easily. And that’s why they’re more than just a modern convenience; they’re a revolution in education. basics

Already got a site? Fantastic — this course is designed with you in mind. If you’re still in the website planning stages, it’s best to work through our Getting Started: Quick Start Guide first to get your site up and running.

Assuming you’ve already dipped your toes into, the good news is that the same familiar interface makes it straightforward to add an online course to your existing site. This means you can spend more time crafting meaningful lessons and less on navigating technical issues. Below are some benefits of using to host your online course.

Stability you can count on: As your course gains traction, you might see a surge in website traffic. Not to worry, your site is designed to handle spikes in activity without sacrificing performance.

Learning Management Systems (LMS) options: Interested in a robust setup? With a plugin-enabled plan↗︎, works well with various LMS plugins, such as Sensei LMS↗︎, which takes care of course organization, tracking, and assessments for you — which we cover later in this course.

Extra functionalities: From sending out newsletters to collecting student feedback through surveys, these features can be added to your current site with little effort.

Remember, you’re not starting from scratch. You already have a head start with your existing site. With its reliable performance and additional features, you’re well-equipped to expand into the world of online courses.

Course setup options

So, you’re ready to set up an online course on your site! But how should you go about it? Don’t fret; there are multiple methods to choose from depending on your needs and preferences. Each has its own advantages and unique characteristics, and we’ll guide you through them so you can make an informed decision. Here’s a brief rundown of what we’ll cover:

Using built-in tools: If you’re a fan of keeping things simple, you’ll love using’s built-in features like pages and posts to structure your course. This method is straightforward and allows for simple content creation and management, just like when you’re blogging.

Email-based courses: Imagine sending your course content right into the learner’s inbox. With this approach, you can deliver lessons and engage with your students via email. This transforms the learning experience into a convenient journey that students can follow at their own pace. We’ll offer some best practice tips for this approach and how to tie it in with your website.

Specialized LMS: If you’re looking for a more structured setup with advanced features like quizzes and student tracking, then using a Learning Management System (LMS) like Sensei Pro might be right up your alley. LMS platforms integrate well with a plugin-enabled plan, providing a robust framework for your courses.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a clear understanding of each method, enabling you to choose the one that’s just right for you and your students. Let’s jump in!

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Choosing Your Course Topic

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