
Clean Image Filenames

This plugin automatically converts language accent characters to non-accent characters in filenames when uploading to the media library.
최근 업데이트일
June 5, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Clean Image Filenames

This plugin automatically converts language accent characters in filenames when uploading to the media library. Characters are converted into browser and server friendly, non-accent characters.


  • Converts accent characters to non-accent, latin equivalents in Swedish, Danish, German, and more.
  • Removes special characters like exclamation marks, periods, hashtags, and more.
  • Lets you choose if you want to convert only image files, or all file types.
  • Makes site and server migrations easier thanks to non-accent character filenames.
  • Provides filter hook for developers who want to specify which file types to convert.


  • Räksmörgås.jpg raksmorgas.jpg
  • Æblegrød_FTW!.gif aeblegrod-ftw.gif
  • Château de Ferrières.png chateau-de-ferrieres.png

Worth noting

The plugin only converts filenames when the files are being uploaded. It can not convert existing files.

Filter for developers

This filter provides developers a way to specify which file types the plugin should convert. This filter overrides the plugin settings on the media settings page. For a complete list of mime types, see Wikipedia.

The following example will convert PDF, JPEG and PNG files only:

function my_clean_image_filenames_mime_types() { $mime_types = array( 'application/pdf', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', ); return $mime_types; } add_filter( 'clean_image_filenames_mime_types', 'my_clean_image_filenames_mime_types' );
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