

79 プラグイン
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    All-in-One WP Migration and Backup
    投稿者: ServMask
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    Yoast Duplicate Post
    投稿者: Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast
    強力な書き換え & 再公開機能を含む、投稿やページの複製に最適なツールです。
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    WordPress Migration & Clone Free : Migrate Guru
    投稿者: Migrate Guru
    Effortlessly migrate, clone, or transfer your WordPress site to over 5,000 web hosts with Migrate Guru, trusted by Cloudways, Pantheon, and Dreamhost.
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    Duplicate Menu
    投稿者: Jon Christopher
    Easily duplicate your WordPress menus with one click.
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    Doubly - Cross Domain Copy Paste for WordPress
    投稿者: Unlimited Elements
    Easily move, duplicate, backup and copy paste content and designs between your WordPress websites in seconds.
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    Copy Anything to Clipboard
    投稿者: Clipboard Team
    Copy Anything to Clipboard is the #1 WordPress plugin with 2,14,933+ downloads 🚀
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    Prepare New Version
    投稿者: Lionel POINTET, GLOBALIS media systems
    Create the next version of your post while preserving its already online version.
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    NS Cloner - Site Copier
    投稿者: Never Settle
    NS Cloner は、マルチサイトネットワーク内の既存のサイトをまったく新しいサイトにクローン作成することで、マルチサイト管理者と開発者の時間を大幅に節約します。
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    Post Cloner
    投稿者: Evan Herman, Ben Rothman
    Post cloner allows you to easily make complete duplicates of any post on your site. That includes posts, pages and custom post types.
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    Add Link to Copied Text
    投稿者: AS Tech Solutions
    Add a link to the page/website when users copy and paste text from your website or prevent users from copying content.
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    Simple Content Templates for Blog Posts & Pages
    投稿者: Clifton Griffin
    Create content templates for your posts and pages. When creating a new post or page use one of your content templates as the starting point!
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    PW WooCommerce Copy Coupon
    投稿者: Pimwick, LLC
    Simply adds a Copy button to WooCommerce coupons to make it easier to create new coupons!
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    AMS Post And Page Duplicator
    投稿者: Manoj Sathyavrathan
    For creating copy of posts and pages.
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    DesktopServer for WordPress
    投稿者: Stephen Carnam
    DesktopServer for WordPress
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    Code Click to Copy
    投稿者: WPJohnny, zerOneIT
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    Taxonomy Converter
    投稿者: kristarella
    Copy or convert terms between taxonomies.
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    Shipping Zone Duplicator for WooCommerce
    投稿者: Jeroen Sormani
    Tiny plugin to add Duplication features to shipping zones and methods
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    Simple Copy Post Button
    投稿者: John Regan
    Copies/Duplicates Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types with just one click.
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    WP Clone any post type
    投稿者: Galaxy Weblinks
    Cloning posts, pages and custom post types in WordPress.
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    Multisite Post Duplicator
    投稿者: Mario Jaconelli
    Duplicate/Copy/Clone any individual page, post or custom post type from one site on your multisite network to another.