Questo calendario mostra quando qualcosa è prenotato o disponibile. Puoi usarlo, per esempio, per mostrare quando la tua casa vacanze è disponibile per essere prenotata.
Ultimo aggiornamento
July 17, 2024
Installazioni attive
WP Simple Booking Calendar

Do you need a booking calendar to show the availability of your holiday home? If you are renting your holiday home to tourists from around the world, you should use this Free plugin on your website! This booking calendar comes in handy any time you want to display the availability of a holiday home, room, bed & breakfast, office or even a piece of equipment.

Installing and embedding the booking calendar on your page only takes a couple of minutes

Thanks to the latest updates, this availability calendar is now easier to use than ever. What WP Simple Booking Calendar does is allow your website visitors to check the availability of your holiday home with just a few clicks. Plus, it gives you complete editing freedom!

The Free version gives you access to all the basic features you might need to keep track of your bookings. For advanced features such as custom legend items and advanced editing and publishing options, you can always upgrade to the Premium version. By ordering the calendar’s Premium version, you’ll gain access to a wide range of customization options and editing features.

A che serve il plugin WP Simple Booking Calendar?

  • Displaying the availability dates of your holiday home
  • Showing people when your new holiday home is available for rent, thus reducing the time spent communicating with them via phone, chat or email.
  • Can also be used as a shift calendar or for displaying the availability for a room, office or piece of equipment

Caratteristiche della versione gratuita

  • Creare un calendario
  • Visualizza una legenda vicino al calendario
  • Interfaccia semplice e intuitiva
  • Mostra disponibilità
  • Responsive calendar layout
  • Add and save booking information for each day on each of your booking calendars
  • Legend items and month names translated in over 30 languages
  • Possibilità di traduzione con file PO
  • Backup/restore calendars and data

Caratteristiche della versione Premium

  • Crea un numero illimitato di calendari prenotazioni/disponibilità
  • Sync your calendars with Airbnb,, HomeAway and other sites that support iCal
  • Display multiple months
  • Bulk editor: Edit multiple dates with one click
  • Crea una tua legenda (scegli tu colori e lingue)
  • Export dates as CSV file
  • User management: assign specific users to specific calendars
  • Cambia il primo giorno della settimana
  • Cambia il mese/anno di inizio
  • Display a tooltip with info (you can enter info for each day)
  • Rendi visibile il numero della settimana (da 1 a 52)
  • Non mostrare le prenotazioni passate ai tuoi visitatori
  • Enjoy a variety of language preferences that are simple to use and display
  • Genera lo shortcode per visualizzare il calendario prenotazioni su di una pagina o un articolo
  • Multiple calendar overview
  • Evidenzia la data corrente
  • WordPress multisite (network) support
  • Supporto professionale

Scarica la versione Premium

Syncing with, Airbnb, FlipKey, HomeAway

Do you feature your holiday home on multiple websites and need to sync availability data from one website to the other? With WP Simple Booking Calendar you can easily export the data from your calendars to Airbnb, FlipKey, Google Calendar and other websites.


Scarica la versione Premium da per scoprire i suoi vantaggi illimitati.

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.