
Rank Math SEO – AI SEO Tools to Dominate SEO Rankings

Rank Math SEO is the Best WordPress SEO plugin with the features of many SEO and AI SEO tools in a single package to help multiply your SEO traffic.
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July 10, 2024
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Rank Math SEO – AI SEO Tools to Dominate SEO Rankings

Rank Math SEO – Plugin SEO Terbaik untuk WordPress

Plugin SEO WordPress pertama yang menggunakan AI (Kecerdasan Buatan) 🦾 ★★★★★

SEO is the most consistent source of traffic for any website. We created Rank Math, a WordPress SEO plugin with AI SEO features better than ChatGPT, to help every website owner get access to the SEO tools they need to improve their SEO and attract more traffic to their website.

Try The FREE Demo of Rank Math

Features | Why Choose Rank Math? | Compare | Screenshots | Benefits

SEO might be the best and most consistent source of traffic for one’s website, but it’s not without its quirks. The constant process of optimizing your posts can sometimes take more time than actually writing the content. If you always feel that you can do more on the SEO front for your website but don’t have the time, then Rank Math is what you’re looking for.

Its host of intelligent features brings top SEO capabilities in your hands that were previously out of reach. The smart automation features give you the power of an entire SEO team with just a few clicks. A well-thought-out design, powerful features, and years of development make Rank Math a game-changing SEO plugin that will level the SEO playing field in your favor to help increase traffic.

Konten AI Eksklusif. Tulis Konten SEO yang Sangat Dioptimalkan

➜ Use AI SEO to write better than ChatGPT ➜ Dynamic Suggestions ➜ Intelligent Recommendations ➜ Dynamic Keywords ➜ Intelligent Questions (With Schema Markup) ➜ Smart Link Suggestions ➜ Extra Keyword Info ➜ Related Keywords ➜ Full Control via Role Manager

Rank Math mengalahkan semua pesaingnya.

Lihat fitur yang eksklusif pada plugin Rank Math dan pahami mengapa Rank Math mungkin adalah Plugin SEO Terbaik untuk WordPress.

  • Setup Wizard (Easy to follow) Rank Math practically configures itself. Rank Math features a step-by-step installation and configuration wizard that sets up SEO for WordPress perfectly.

  • Google Schema Markup aka Rich Snippets Integrated Configuring Google Schema Markup, aka Rich Snippets, is now easy, thanks to Rank Math. With support for 16+ types of Schema Markups, aka Rich Snippets, including the Rating Schema, you’ll be able to optimize your posts in just a few clicks. It also includes the FAQ Schema aka FAQPage Schema Block & the HowTo aka How To Schema Block in the plugin.

  • Optimize Unlimited Keywords Unlike other plugins, Rank Math lets you optimize your posts for unlimited focus keywords per post. 5 by default. Increase by adding this filter.

  • AI Konten Rank Math adalah yang PERTAMA & SATU-SATUNYA plugin SEO yang menggunakan AI untuk membantu Anda menulis konten. Asisten AI pribadi Anda untuk membuat konten yang ramah SEO. AI Konten kami menghilangkan semua kerumitan penulisan. Ini memastikan bahwa konten yang Anda tulis tidak hanya bagus untuk pengunjung Anda, tetapi juga untuk mesin pencari (SEO). Pelajari cara menggunakan AI Konten untuk menulis konten dengan optimasi SEO.

  • Integrasi Google Search Console Rank Math menghemat banyak waktu dengan mengintegrasikan dengan Google Search Console dan menampilkan informasi penting tentang situs web Anda tepat di dalam WordPress.

  • Google Keyword Ranking With Rank Math Plugin, you can track your keyword rankings in Google.

  • Google Analytics Integration Rank Math offers a one-click solution to install Google Analytics script without pasting anything manually anywhere. You can also exclude the Logged-in users.

  • Optimal Settings Pre-Selected Configuring an SEO plugin takes time, and can be confusing. Rank Math saves you the trouble with its optimal default settings, which are ideal for most websites, and if needed, can be changed.

  • LSI Keyword Tool Integrated Rank Math’s integrated LSI keyword tool gives you multiple keyword variations of your focus keyword, which helps you attract more traffic to your posts. Free account needed.

  • Tambahkan Ikon Overlay Pada Gambar Sosial Rank Math membuat klik magnet thumbnail sosial dengan memberi Anda pilihan untuk overlay ikon GIF atau video pada thumbnail.

  • Alat Analisis SEO Lanjut Dengan hanya satu klik, Rank Math dapat melakukan analisa SEO situs web Anda.

  • 30 Detailed SEO Tests Rank Math is designed to completely supercharge your website’s SEO with its 30 detailed SEO tests. Free account needed.

  • Sistem Berbasis Modul Rank Math has been designed with a module-based system, each of which can be enabled or disabled as per your needs, giving you extra speed and control.

  • Pengelola Pengalihan Pintar Pengelola pengalihan pintar bawaan Rank Math akan membantu Anda membuat, mengelola, menghapus, mengaktifkan, atau nonaktifkan pengalihan pada skala besar.

  • SEO Bisnis Lokal Rank Math dirancang untuk digunakan oleh situs web Global dan situs web lokal. Dengan fitur SEO lokalnya, situs lokal dapat menonjol di halaman hasil pencarian seperti Google dan menarik lebih banyak aktivitas.

  • SEO Optimized Breadcrumbs Rank Math can display SEO optimized Breadcrumbs on all websites, even if the theme doesn’t support coding.

  • 404 Monitor Rank Math has a built-in 404 error monitor that helps you find and resolve 404 errors for a better user experience.

  • Tes Analisis Konten Mendalam SEO On-Page tidak lagi menjadi sebuah misteri dengan analisis konten mendalam Rank Math dan rekomendasi yang tepat.

  • Saran Tautan Internal Rank Math secara cerdas menyarankan pos lain dari situs web Anda untuk ditautkan secara internal dari pos Anda saat ini, meningkatkan peluang peringkat lebih tinggi di SERP.

  • Role Manager Even if you have multiple employees manage your website, you can precisely control what each of them has to access to in Rank Math with its role manager.

  • Multisite Ready Whether you run a single WordPress website or an entire network of sites – we are ready for you. Rank Math fully supports the WordPress Multiuser project (WPMU).

  • and has lightweight Code compared to slow-loading in other SEO plugins. Even with significantly more features than other plugins, Rank Math loads amazingly fast and keeps your website fast always.

Mengapa Rank Math adalah sebuah pengubah-permainan?

  • Auto Configuration — All you have to do is set a few options, and Rank Math will configure itself perfectly for your website.

  • Super Fast SEO Plugin — Even after packing so many features, Rank Math has a negligible load on your server, thus making it one of the fastest SEO plugins for WordPress.

  • Automatic Keyword Suggestions from Google — Get keyword suggestions from Google as you start typing letters in the focus keyword field of Rank Math.

  • New SEO Analyzer — Rank Math’s built-in SEO analysis will give you SEO recommendations that you’d normally spend hundreds of dollars to get.

  • Elementor SEO – Deep integration with the Elementor Page builder. Now, you don’t need to go back and forth between tabs to configure your page’s SEO. Everything related to SEO for Elementor can be configured in the visual editor.

  • Divi SEO – One of its kind integration with the Divi Page Builder and theme. Handle everything related to SEO from the page editor screen without jumping back to the default editor. This helps you optimize your website in real-time for SEO.

  • Page Builder SEO – The Rank Math plugin’s content analysis works perfectly with popular page builders and themes like Oxygen Builder, WPBakery, Avada, Astra, Kadence, Themify, Beaver Builder, Page Builder Framework, Schema theme, Flothemes, OceanWP, etc.

  • Optimize UNLIMITED Keywords At Once — You can optimize your post for up to 5 different keywords by default with the Rank Math plugin and can use a filter to optimize for unlimited keywords.

  • Image SEO – With Rank Math’s perfect solution to add ALT & Title tags on the fly, to optimize images, showing inside the content, and that too for FREE, there is no reason to choose any other SEO solution that does not provide all the essential SEO features.

  • Web Stories SEO – Make any Story created with the Google’s Web Stories plugin SEO-Ready. Automatically adds AMP-friendly Schema markup and Meta tags.

  • WooCommerce SEO – Optimizing your store products is easier with Rank Math. SEO Meta tags and Schema are automatically added but can be customized with total control as well. Rank Math has the most advanced SEO for WooCommerce.

  • Google AMP SEO – Accelerated Mobile Pages need to be prepared for search engines. What better way to do that than letting Rank Math use your regular SEO details and optimizing AMPs based on that data?

  • bbPress SEO – User-generated content in bbPress is properly optimized with Rank Math handling all the important SEO aspects. Q&A Schema is added to bbPress topics along with other essential meta tags.

  • BuddyPress SEO – As with bbPress, SEO for BuddyPress content is done automatically done using Rank Math. You get all the options you need to get higher rankings with your user-generated content.

  • Quick Edit SEO Details – Go through a lot of posts/pages quickly by ensuring they are optimized for search engines. Quickly edit multiple SEO fields at once using Rank Math.

  • Pengindeksan Instant untuk Bing & Yandex – Jadikan konten Anda langsung diindeks oleh Bing & Yandex menggunakan API IndexNow mereka.

  • Instant Indexing for Google – Instantly getting indexed by Google used to be reserved to huge brands and large websites. Not anymore. Just about anyone can take advantage of Google’s Instant Indexing feature using Rank Math.

  • Kontrol Versi – Kembalikan atau coba versi beta. Memperbarui dan menurunkan versi plugin Anda sekarang hanya dengan beberapa klik. Perbarui secara otomatis ke versi terbaru atau coba versi beta terbaru.

  • Translation Plugins Support — Rank Math works flawlessly with the top translations plugins like WPML, TranslatePress, Weglot, Polylang (not entirely compatible yet), etc., making it a perfect companion.

  • XML Sitemap – The Rank Math plugin comes with a fast-loading Sitemap feature that works with different post types, including the custom ones, and provides deep controlling. One can also generate a Locations KML file via filter for Local Sitemap, & a WooCommerce Sitemap.

  • 1-Click Import From Yoast — With a single click of your mouse, Rank Math can import all your settings from Yoast SEO & Yoast SEO Premium to itself. The transfer is instant, and you don’t lose any SERP rankings as a result.

  • 1-Click Import From AIO SEO — Rank Math can also import all your settings from AIO SEO & All in One SEO Pack Pro in a single click. The transfer is instant, and you don’t lose any SERP rankings as a result.

  • 1-Click Import From All In One Schema Rich Snippets — Rank Math can also import all of AIO’s Rich Snippet & Schema Pro settings in a few clicks, which help preserve your rich rankings when moving to Rank Math.

  • 1-Click Import From SEOPress SEO — With a single click of your mouse, Rank Math can import all your settings from SEOPress & SEOPress Pro SEO plugin to itself. The transfer is instant, and you don’t lose any SERP rankings as a result.

  • 1-Click Import From Redirection — Moving all your redirects shouldn’t be a hassle. That’s why we have made importing redirections from the popular Redirection plugin as simple as clicking a button.

  • Google Keyword Suggestion — When deciding on focus keywords, Rank Math can help you discover more keywords by pulling in automatic keyword suggestions from Google.

Who Can Benefit From Rank Math?

Rank Math Plugin is perfect for:

✔ Blogger ✔ Pemilik Toko eCommerce ✔ Situs Niche ✔ Bisnis ✔ Bisnis Lokal ✔ Startup ✔ Real Estate ✔ Artis & Fotografer ✔ Penyedia Solusi ✔ Direktori ✔ Vlogger (Blogger Video) ✔ Atau tiap Website WordPress

Take a sneak peek into Rank Math’s features

Tutorial Pengaturan yang mendetail

List of Best Rank Math Features

  • Antarmuka Pengguna Bersih & Sederhana
  • Pengaturan Optimal Dipilih Sebelumnya
  • Simple Setup Wizard
    • Compatibility Check
  • URL Canonical Otomatis
  • Alat Kata Kunci LSI Terintegrasi
  • Integrasi Google Search Console
  • Peringkat Kata Kunci Google
  • Import Other Plugin Settings
    • 1 Click Import From Yoast SEO Plugin
    • Impor 1 Klik Dari AIO SEO
    • 1 Click Import From SEOPress & SEOPress Pro
    • 1 Click Import From All In One Schema Rich Snippets & Schema Pro
    • Impor 1 Klik Dari Plugin Redirection
  • Manajer Peran
  • ACF Support
  • Siap AMP
  • bbPress & BuddyPress Modules
  • Google Schema Markup Integrated
    • Article Rich Snippet
    • Rich Snippet Ulasan
    • Rich Snippet Buku
    • Rich Snippet Kuliah
    • Rich Snippet Acara
    • Rich Snippet Post Pekerjaan
    • Rich Snippet Bisnis Lokal
    • 193 Tipe Bisnis Lokal
    • Rich Snippet Musik
    • Rich Snippet Orang
    • Rich Snippet Produk
    • Rich Snippet Resep
    • Rich Snippet Restoran
    • Rich Snippet Layanan
    • Rich Snippet Software Aplikasi
    • Rich Snippet Video
    • Author Stay Rating
  • Social Media Optimization
    • Add Overlay Icons On Social Images
    • Thumbnail OpenGraph Default
    • Facebook Open Graph Otomatis
    • Kepengarangan Facebook
    • Facebook Open Graph untuk Beranda
    • Kartu Meta Twitter Otomatis
    • Kartu Twitter untuk Beranda
    • Jenis Kartu Twitter default
    • Pratinjau Sosial
  • Add Knowledge Graph
    • Represent site as a Person
    • Mewakili situs sebagai Perusahaan
    • Tetapkan Logo Situs
  • Advanced SEO Analysis Tool
    • 30 Detailed SEO Tests
    • Skor Analisis SEO
  • SEO Gambar Otomatis
  • Powerful Post Optimization
    • Add SEO Meta Box to all post types
    • Edit Massal Deskripsi & Judul
    • Pratinjau Post di Google
    • Analisis Konten
    • Atur SEO untuk Halaman Tunggal
    • Atur Judul
    • Atur Meta Deskripsi
    • Otomatis Menambahkan Data Meta Tambahan
    • Atur Meta ROBOT
    • Pilih Kategori Utama
  • Single Post/page Optimization
    • Focus Keyword
    • Saran Kata Kunci Google
    • Mengoptimalkan Kata Kunci TANPA BATAS (5 secara standar)
    • Pilih Posting & Halaman Pilar
    • Saran Tautan Internal
    • Huruf Besar Judul
    • Tes Gagal SEO
    • Peringatan SEO
  • Peta Situs XML (Baru!)
  • Sistem Berbasis Modul
  • Pilih Karakter Pemisah Apa Pun
  • Modifikasi Global Meta
  • Search Engine Verification Tools
    • Bing Site Verification
    • Verifikasi Situs Baidu
    • Verifikasi Situs Yandex
    • Verifikasi Situs Google
    • Verifikasi Situs Pinterest
    • Verifikasi Situs Web Norton Safe
  • Advanced Redirection Manager
    • Smart & Automatic Post Redirects
    • Jenis Redirection 301
    • Jenis Redirection 302
    • Jenis Redirection 307
    • Jenis Redirection 410
    • Jenis Redirection 451
    • Dukungan untuk REGEX
    • Perbaiki Redirections
  • Simple 404 Monitor
    • Advanced 404 Monitor
  • Advanced SEO Breadcrumbs
    • Auto Show SEO Breadcrumbs
  • Advanced Link Options
    • Nofollow All External Image Links
    • Nofollow Semua Tautan Eksternal
    • Buka Tautan Eksternal di Tab/Jendela Baru
    • Redirect Lampiran ke Induk
    • Hapus Basis Kategori
Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.