Formats recipes so they are SEO-friendly. Now fully supports WordPress 4.0.1.
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February 13, 2015
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ZipList brings your recipes right to your readers’ tables!

Make your recipes SEO-friendly and more likely to appear in Google’s Recipe View search. No need to hand-code your recipes into a sophisticated recipe structure when the ZipList Recipe Plugin will do all the heavy lifting for you, enhancing the findability of your recipe website.

If you’re familiar with the open-source RecipeSEO plugin built by Allison Day, you’ll quickly note that the ZipList Recipe Plugin is an extension of this plugin.

Among the new features added by ZipList are:

Works with WordPress 4.0.1: Updated for full compatibility with WordPress 4.0.1.

Schema/Recipe Support: Automatically integrate’s Recipe mark-up into your recipe posts to make them more findable by search engines.

Recipe Image Support: Add images within the plugin to appear with your recipe or in your Google Rich Snippet.

Copy/Paste Ingredients: Simply cut a block of ingredients and paste them into one field. No need to add each ingredient one by one into separate fields.

Auto-Populate Recipe Name: The recipe name is automatically replicated inside the plugin, taking the name from the post name, which further enhances SEO.

Add Links to Ingredients or Instructions: Attach affiliate links or links to related recipes from the Ingredients, Instructions or Summary fields with ease. No other plugin enables you to do this.

Bold and Asterisk Styling: Add bold or italicized styling to words or phrases within the Ingredients, Instructions, Summary and Notes sections.

Modified Image Display: Add a recipe image to the plugin so that it displays in a user’s recipe box, but then choose to hide it from view on your recipe post and/or print view.

Incorporate Images into Instructions: Now you can easily add step-by-step images to your instructions (or ingredients) from within the plugin.

Notes Field: Add notes to your recipes, such as optional ingredients, required kitchen tools and equipment and/or additional instructions (e.g., freezing, microwave, etc.)

Enhanced Printing Capabilities: Add a copyright statement or URL to appear at the bottom of your printed recipes. Also, display a permalink at the bottom of printed recipes so users can easily find individual recipes on your website.

Multiple Paragraph Support in Summary Section: Users can now add multiple paragraphs to the Summary field within the plugin.

The ZipList Recipe Plugin is very easy use, however we also provide enhanced step-by-step instructions. Please note that the ZipList Recipe Plugin is no longer actively maintained and may not be updated in the future. The save recipe button, recipe box and shopping list features are no longer available or supported in the plugin.

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