Create new sidebar areas and display them conditionally on certain pages. Works with all themes.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
July 16, 2024
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Lightweight Sidebar Manager

Normally you have a sidebar that appears throughout the website. However, sometimes it is necessary to display a relevant, different sidebar on certain pages on the website. For an example: on WooCommerce pages, a sidebar with related or top seller products would be more relevant than the latest comments, blog posts right?

This plugin helps you solve that problem as it allows you to create new sidebars and display them conditionally on certain locations of the website easily. Once the sidebar is created and displayed on pages you like, you can add relevant widgets in it.

Try it out on a free dummy site

Some of the Features:

  1. Create unlimited sidebars
  2. Place them any location your theme has defined (Footer Widgets / Left or Right Sidebar)
  3. Works with any theme
  4. Conditionally display sidebars on specific posts, pages, taxonomies or custom post types
  5. Display sidebars based on user roles
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.