
Honeypot for Contact Form 7

Honeypot for Contact Form 7 fügt CF7-Formularen eine nicht-aufdringliche Honeypot-Anti-Spam-Funktion hinzu.
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July 1, 2024
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Honeypot for Contact Form 7

Diese einfach Erweiterung zum wunderbaren Plugin Contact Form 7 (CF7) fügt eine grundlegende Honeypot-Anti-Spam-Funktionalität hinzu, um Spambots ohne hässliches CAPTCHAs abzuwehren.

Das Prinzip eines Honeypot ist einfach – Bots sind dumm. Während mancher Spam von Hand erzeugt wird, kommt die große Mehrheit von Bots, die auf eine spezielle (großflächige) Art geschrieben sind, um Spam über die meisten bekannten Formular-Typen zu versenden. Auf diese Art füllen sie blind Felder aus, unabhängig davon, ob sie ausgefüllt sein sollten sind oder nicht. So fängt ein Honeypot den Bot – er führt ein zusätzliche Feld ein, und wenn dieses ausgefüllt ist, wird das die Einsendung als Spam markieren.

Additionally, as of version 2.1, the plugin also features an optional submission time check. This checks how long it takes to submit the form and if under a user-defined threshold, it rejects the submission as spam. This works under the idea (backed up by testing) that spam bots submit forms super fast (usually 1-2 seconds), whereas people take longer.


You will need Contact Form 7 version 3.0+ at a minimum. It is recommended to use version 5.3+ of CF7, for better spam logging. For the best results, we suggest always using the latest versions of WordPress and CF7.

We highly recommend Flamingo with CF7 and this plugin. Using Flamingo allows you to track spam submissions (via inbound messages / spam tab in Flamingo), showing you what got caught in the honeypot and why. Be sure to check your Honeypot settings to turn storing the honeypot on for this.


Support can be found here. Follow us on Twitter and on Facebook for updates and news.


This plugin does not track users, store any user data, send user data to external servers, nor does it use cookies. This is an addon plugin, and requires Contact Form 7. Please review Contact Form 7’s privacy policies for more information.


If you’d like to translate this plugin, please visit the plugin’s page. As of v1.10, all translation is handled there. Version 2.0 brings a bunch of new strings in need of translation, so a huge thank you to the polyglots that contribute!


The latest version of this plugin is designed to work with the latest version of Contact Form 7 and WordPress. If you are using older versions of either, you’re best to find the version of this plugin released around the same time as the version you’re using. You can access older versions of this plugin by clicking Advanced View on the right of the plugin’s page and scrolling to the bottom of the plugin’s page. Use at your own risk. We strongly recommend upgrading to the latest versions whenever possible.

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