Use Case: Job Agency


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You own a Job Agency and you would like your customers to be able to sign up as a member to access additional pages on your site. When signing up you want them to be able to upload a CV document.

Products Used

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WooCommerce WooCommerce Memberships WooCommerce Product Addons

Setup and Configuration

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Create membership product

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Go to: Product > Add Product We can leave the product as a simple product and just set the regular price to purchase this product.

Addons settings

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In the Addons tab click the “Add Field” button. We are going to set the type as a “File upload” field. Set the title to “CV” and check the box to make it a required field. You can now publish this product.

Create Membership plan

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To be able to grant access to a Membership when purchasing the product we created in the previous step, we will need to create a Go to: WooCommerce > Membership Plans and click the “Add Membership Plans” button. Give the Membership plan a title. For Grant access upon we will select product(s) purchase, and then select the product we created in the previous step. Publish the membership, now you’re all set!


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This is what it will look like for your customers: Single product Cart

Questions and Feedback

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