REST API Reference

This document is written for WooCommerce developers looking to extend or customize WooCommerce Composite Products. It requires an advanced understanding of PHP and WordPress development.

WooCommerce 2.6 added support for REST API endpoints based on the WordPress REST API infrastructure.

Composite Products extends the /products/ and /orders/ endpoint responses with additional properties that are documented in this guide.


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Product Properties

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Attribute Type Context Description
composite_virtual boolean read write Forces all contents of this composite product to be treated as virtual.
composite_layout string read write Single-product template layout. Applicable to composite-type products. Values: single, progressive, paged, paged-componentized.
composite_add_to_cart_form_location string read write Controls the form location of the product in the single-product page. Values: default, after_summary.
composite_editable_in_cart bool read write Controls whether the configuration of this product can be modified from the cart page.
composite_sold_individually_context string read write Sold Individually option context. Values: product, configuration.
composite_shop_price_calc string read write Composite catalog price calculation type. Values: defaults, min_max, hidden.
composite_components array read write List of components that this product consists of. Applicable to composite-type products. See Component Properties.
composite_scenarios array read write Scenarios configured for this product. Applicable to composite-type products. See Scenario Properties.

Component Properties

Attribute Type Context Description
id string read Component ID.
delete boolean write Set to true to delete the component with the specified ID.
title string read write Title of the component.
description string read write Description of the component.
query_type string read write Component options query type. Values: product_ids, category_ids.
query_ids array( int ) read write Product IDs or category IDs to use for populating component options.
default_option_id integer read write The product ID of the default/pre-selected component opion.
thumbnail_id integer read write The attachment ID of the thumbnail associated with this Component.
thumbnail_src string read write URL of the thumbnail associated with this Component.
quantity_min integer read write Minimum component quantity.
quantity_max integer read write Maximum component quantity.
priced_individually boolean read write Indicates whether the price of this component is added to the base price of the composite.
shipped_individually boolean read write Indicates whether this component is shipped separately from the composite.
optional boolean read write Indicates whether the component is optional.
discount string read write Discount applied to the component, applicable when the Priced Individually option is enabled.
options_style string read write Indicates which template/style to use to display component options. Values: dropdowns, thumbnails, radios.
pagination_style string read write Controls how new Thumbnails are loaded into the Component Options view. Applicable when the Options Style of this Component is set to Thumbnails. Values: classic, load-more.
display_prices string read write Controls how Component Option prices are displayed. Applicable when Priced Individually is enabled for this Component. Values: absolute, relative, hidden.
show_sorting_options boolean read write Whether to display sorting options in this Component.
show_filtering_options boolean read write Whether to display filtering options in this Component.
attribute_filter_ids array( int ) read write Attribute IDs to use for creating Component Option filters.
product_title_visible boolean read write Controls the visibility of product titles in the Component Selection view.
product_descr_visible boolean read write Controls the visibility of product short descriptions in the Component Selection view.
product_price_visible boolean read write Controls the visibility of product prices in the Component Selection view.
product_thumb_visible boolean read write Controls the visibility of product thumbnails in the Component Selection view.
subtotal_visible_product boolean read write Controls the visibility of the subtotal associated with this Component in the single-product page.
subtotal_visible_cart boolean read write Controls the visibility of the subtotal associated with this Component in the cart page.
subtotal_visible_orders boolean read write Controls the visibility of the subtotal associated with this Component in order-related pages and e-mail notifications.

Scenario Properties

Attribute Type Context Description
id string read Scenario ID.
delete boolean write Set to true to delete the scenario with the specified ID.
name string read write Name of the scenario.
description string read write Optional short description of the scenario.
configuration array read write Matching conditions for components. See Component Matching Condition Properties.
actions array read write Scenario actions. See Scenario Action Properties.
enabled boolean read write Controls whether this Scenario will be enabled.

Component Matching Condition Properties

Attribute Type Context Description
component_id string read write Component ID.
component_options array read write Product/variation IDs in component targeted by the scenario. Enter -1 for “No selection”. Must be omitted when specifying any in options_modifier.
options_modifier string read write Comparison modifier for the referenced product/variation IDs. Values: in, not-in, any.

Scenario Action Properties

Common properties to all Scenario Action types, including custom Scenario Actions:

Attribute Type Context Description
scenario_id string read write Scenario Action ID.
is_active boolean read write Indicates whether the scenario action is active.

IDs for built-in actions:

Scenario Action ID
Hide Component Options conditional_options
Hide Components conditional_components
Overlay Image overlay_image
Define State compat_group

Additional properties for Hide Component Options (conditional_options) Actions:

Attribute Type Context Description
hidden_options object read write Component Options to hide when the defined Matching Conditions are met.

where hidden_options must adhere to the following schema:

Attribute Type Context Description
component_id string read write Component ID.
component_options array read write Product/variation IDs to hide in component. Enter -1 for “No selection”.
options_modifier string read write Comparison modifier for the referenced product/variation IDs. Values: in (hide), not-in (hide all except).

Additional properties for Hide Components (conditional_components) Actions:

Attribute Type Context Description
hidden_components array read write List of Component IDs. Components to hide when the defined Matching Conditions are met.

Additional properties for custom Scenario Actions:

Attribute Type Context Description
action_data object read write Scenario action data.

For example, for Overlay Image actions, action_data contains the following properties:

Attribute Type Context Description
image_id int read write Attachment ID of conditionally-overlaid image.

Working with Products: Examples

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Create Composite

curl -X POST \
-u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Build Your Ninja Outfit",
"type": "composite",
"description": "In pretium enim justo, at ornare libero aliquam quis. Nullam imperdiet rutrum volutpat. Suspendisse aliquet ex in ex volutpat vestibulum. Curabitur ultrices convallis condimentum.",
"short_description": "In pretium enim justo, at ornare libero aliquam quis.",
"categories": [
"id": 9
"images": [
"src": "",
"position": 0
"composite_components": [
"title": "Your Ninja Tee",
"description": "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.",
"query_type": "category_ids",
"query_ids": [ 14 ],
"quantity_min": 1,
"quantity_max": 1,
"priced_individually": true,
"shipped_individually": false,
"optional": false,
"discount": "20.0",
"options_style": "thumbnails"
"title": "Your Ninja Hoodie",
"description": "Nullam imperdiet rutrum volutpat. Suspendisse aliquet ex in ex volutpat vestibulum. Curabitur ultrices convallis condimentum.",
"query_type": "category_ids",
"query_ids": [ 10 ],
"quantity_min": 1,
"quantity_max": 1,
"priced_individually": true,
"shipped_individually": false,
"optional": false,
"discount": "20.0",
"options_style": "thumbnails"
"composite_layout": "single"

Add Component

curl -X PUT \
-u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"composite_components": [
"title": "Your Free Poster",
"description": "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.",
"query_type": "product_ids",
"query_ids": [ 70 ],
"quantity_min": 1,
"quantity_max": 1,
"priced_individually": true,
"shipped_individually": true,
"optional": false,
"discount": "100.0",

Modify Component

curl -X PUT \
-u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"composite_components": [
"id": "123456789",
"title": "Your Poster Offer",
"optional": true,
"discount": "50.0",

Delete Component

curl -X PUT \
-u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"composite_components": [
"id": "123456789",
"delete": true


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Line Item Properties

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Attribute Type Context Description
composite_parent string read Item ID of parent line item, applicable if the item is part of a composite.
composite_children array read Item IDs of composited/child line items, applicable if the item is a composite container.
composite_configuration string write Composite product configuration array. Must be defined when adding a composite-type line item to an order, to ensure components are added to the order as well. See Composite Configuration Properties.

Composite Configuration Properties

Attribute Type Context Description
component_id string write Component ID.
product_id integer write Chosen product ID.
quantity integer write Chosen product quantity.
variation_id integer write Chosen variation ID, if applicable.
attributes array write Chosen variation attributes, if applicable. See Variation Attribute Properties.
args object write Additional arguments to pass into WC_Order::add_product, if applicable.

Variation Attribute Properties

Attribute Type Context Description
name string write Variation attribute name or slug.
option string write Selected variation attribute option name.

Working with Orders: Examples

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Add Composite to Order

curl -X PUT \
-u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-k \
-d '{
"line_items": [
"product_id": 101,
"quantity": 1,
"composite_configuration": [
"component_id": "1482917234",
"product_id": 114,
"quantity": 1,
"variation_id": 115,
"attributes": [
"name": "Attribute A",
"option": "Value A1"
"name": "Attribute B",
"option": "Value B1"

Questions & Support

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