Triggers List


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Order Status Changes

  • Triggers each time an order changes status. This trigger can be restricted to changes to or from a certain status e.g. pending, on hold, completed.

Order Status Changes – Each Line Item

  • Identical to previous trigger except it fires for each line item when an order status change occurs. Using this trigger allows access to the specific order item and product data.

Order Created

  • This trigger fires after an order is created in the database. At checkout this happens before payment is confirmed.

Order Created – Each Line Item

  • Identical to the previous trigger except it triggers for each order line item as soon as an order is created in the database.

Order Paid

  • Fires at the end of the payment process after the order status has been changed and stock has been reduced.

Order Paid – Each Line Item

  • Triggers for each order line item at the end of the payment process after the order status has been changed and stock has been reduced.

Order Processing

  • Triggers when the order status is set to processing, this is when payment has been received and the stock has been reduced. During this stage, the order waits for fulfilment.

Order Completed

  • Triggers when the order status is set to completed. This is when an order has been fulfilled and no further action is needed.

Order Cancelled

  • This trigger fires when the order status is set to cancelled.

Order On Hold

  • Triggers when the order status is set to on hold. This is usually when stock has been reduced, but the payment is awaiting confirmation by admin.

Order Refunded

  • Triggers when an order status is set to refunded.

Order Pending Payment

  • Triggers when order status is set to pending payment. This is when the order has been received but is currently unpaid.

Order Note Added

  • Fires when any note is added to an order, both private notes and notes to the customer. These notes appear on the right of the order edit screen. This trigger can be restricted to order notes which contain certain keywords.

Order Note Added – Each Line Item

  • Functions the same as the Order Note Added trigger but runs for every line item on the order.

Order Includes Product from Taxonomy Term

  • An extension of the previous two triggers, this trigger allows you to use any custom taxonomies you have set up for your products.

Order Includes Product Variation with Specific Attribute

  • Triggers for a selected variation of an order line item.  For example, if you have an attribute for ‘size’ and you select ‘SML’ in the Terms field it will fire if an order is placed that contains a product in the size small. (this will run multiple times per order if more than one line item matches the workflow conditions)


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Customer Account Created

  • Triggers when a new user account has been created in your store.

Customer Win Back

  • Triggers if user has not purchased for a set period in your store.  The ‘order-based’ variables, rules and actions which become available refer to the user’s last successful order. Repeats can be enabled for this trigger such that it will fire once each time the set period passes. For example, if the specified period is 30 days, the trigger will fire every 30 days until a new purchase is made.

Customer Total Spend Reaches

  • Fires when the user’s total spend on completed orders reach a set amount. This will not apply to guest customers.

Customer Order Count Reaches

  • Fires when the user places a set number of completed orders in your store. This will not apply to guest customers.

Customer Before Saved Card Expiry

  • This trigger runs a set number of days before a customer’s saved card expires. Cards expire on the last calendar day of their expiry month.

Customer Opted In

  • Fires when a customer opts-in to your site’s workflows. This includes when opt-ins are imported in the admin area.

Customer Opted Out

  • Fires when a customer opts-out / unsubscribes from your site’s workflows.


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Cart Abandoned

  • This trigger fires when a cart belonging to a any customer (including guests) is abandoned. Carts are considered abandoned if they are inactive for 15 minutes. A customer pause period can be added to ensure the workflow only runs once in a set time period. This can be useful to prevent customers from receiving too many emails or discounts.

Cart Abandoned – Registered Users Only

  • Identical to previous trigger, but it applies to registered customers only.

Cart Abandoned – Guests Only

  • Identical to previous trigger, but it applies to guest customers only.


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New Review Posted

  • This trigger fires when a product review is posted. If the review is held for moderation the trigger will not fire until the review has been approved.


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New Guest Captured

  • Fires when a guest is captured, usually immediately after they enter an email address during the checkout process.

Guest Leaves Product Review

  • Identical to User Leaves Product Review trigger except it applies to guests only.


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Requires Woo Subscriptions.

  • All times are considered to be in the site’s chosen timezone.

Subscription Created

  • This trigger fires after a subscription is created which happens before payment is confirmed. To create a workflow that runs when the subscription is paid, use the Subscription Status Changed trigger.

Subscription Created – Each Line Item

  • This trigger runs for every line item of a subscription after the subscription is first created. Using this trigger allows access to the subscription line item data.

Subscription Status Changed

  • This trigger fires when a subscription status changes with one exception. When an automatic subscription payment is processed the subscription status is changed to “On-hold” and then immediately back to “Active” if the payment is successful. When this happens this trigger deliberately doesn’t fire because the status was only changed momentarily while the subscription has essentially remained “Active”. It can be limited to fire for certain subscription products.

Subscription Status Changed – Each Line Item

  • This trigger runs for every line item of a subscription when the status changes. Using this trigger allows access to the product data of the subscription line item.

Subscription Renewal Payment Complete

  • Fires when a subscription renewal payment is completed. This trigger can be limited to certain subscription products and be set to run for active subscriptions only.

Subscription Before Renewal

  • This trigger can be set to fire a set number of days before the renewal date. It will check for upcoming subscription renewals once each day and the trigger can be limited to certain subscription products. This trigger could be used to send an email which reminds a customer they will be charged for the subscription renewal a few days prior.

Subscription Before End

  • This trigger is identical to the Subscription Before Renewal trigger but it is based on the subscription end/expiry date.

Subscription Renewal Payment Failed

  • Fires when a subscription renewal payment fails. This trigger can be limited to certain subscription products.

Subscription Trial End

  • Runs when any subscription free trial ends.

Subscription Note Added

  • Fires when any note is added to a subscription. These notes appear on the right of the subscription edit screen. The trigger can be restricted to notes which contain certain keywords or notes of certain types.

Subscription Order Created

  • This trigger fires after any type of subscription order is created. The order may not yet be paid. This trigger allows access to both subscription and order data.

Subscription Order Paid

  • This trigger fires after any type of subscription order is paid for. This will run after the order status has been changed and stock has been reduced. This trigger allows access to both subscription and order data.

Subscription Order Status Changed

  • This trigger fires after the status of any subscription order changes. The trigger can be set to run on specific order status changes and for specific order types. This trigger allows access to both subscription and order data.


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Booking triggers require WooCommerce Bookings.

Booking Status Changed

  • This trigger fires the status of a booking change. The trigger can be set up to run for all status transitions, or to or from specific status values. This trigger allows access to booking, customer, and product data.

Booking Created

  • This trigger fires when a new booking is created. This includes bookings initiated by shoppers on the store front end and manually created by admin users. This trigger doesn’t fire for “in-cart” bookings.


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Requires WooCommerce Memberships.

Membership Status Changed

  • Fires when a customer’s membership changes status. Can apply to all membership plans or only to specific membership plans which your store provides. For example, this trigger can be used to send notifications when a customer’s free trial ends.

Membership Created

  • Fires when a membership has been created in your store. The default option applies to all membership plans, but this trigger can be limited to fire for only specific membership plans.

Sensei LMS

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Requires Sensei LMS. Group triggers require Sensei Pro.

  • Signed Up To a Course – Trigger fires after student signup for a course.
  • Course Completed – Trigger fires after the course is completed by the student.
  • Lesson Started – Trigger fires after the lesson is started by the student.
  • Lesson Completed – Trigger fires after the lesson is completed by the student.
  • Quiz Completed – Trigger fires after the quiz is completed by the student.
  • Quiz Passed – Trigger fires after passing a quiz by the student.
  • Quiz Failed – Trigger fires after failing a quiz by the student.
  • Specific Answer Selected – Trigger fires after selecting a specific answer for the selected question.
  • Course Completed by All Students – Trigger fires after the course has been completed by all enrolled students, A minimum of 2 students is required to fire this trigger.
  • Course Not Yet Completed – Trigger will be fired if a course has not yet been completed by students after a set period of time.
  • Student Added To the Group: This trigger fires after students have been added to the group. (Sensei Pro)
  • Student Removed From the Group: This trigger fires after students have been removed from the group. (Sensei Pro)


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Requires WooCommerce Wishlists or YITH Wishlists.

Wishlist Item on Sale

  • Triggers when an item in a user’s wishlist goes on sale. This trigger does not fire immediately once a product goes on sale but performs a check every four hours. Please note this trigger will not apply to guests.

Wishlist Reminder

  • This triggers fires after a set period and can be used to create a wishlist reminder email. Setting the ‘Reminder Interval’ to 30 means this will fire every 30 days for users that have items in their wishlist. Please note this will not apply to guests.

User Adds Product to Wishlist

  • Fires when a user adds a product to their existing wishlist. A pause period can be applied to ensure that the workflow will only run once during that period for each user.


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Workflow Times Run Reaches

  • This trigger can be set to fire after one of your workflows has run a certain number of times. For example, you could pair this with a Send Email action to notify admin when a workflow reaches a run count of 200. This can be used to monitor a workflow you have created that may be too broad and has the potential to spam your subscribers.

Refer A Friend

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Requires AutomateWoo Refer A Friend add-on.

Referral Status Changed

  • Fires when an advocate’s referral changes status e.g. approved, rejected. The option of limiting the number of times this workflow runs for each advocate is also provided.

New Referral Created

  • Fires when a new referral has been created. The option to limit this trigger to apply to certain initial statuses is also provided.

Mailchimp for WordPress

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Requires MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress

MailChimp for WordPress – Form Submission

  • This trigger fires after a MailChimp for WordPress form is successfully submitted.