On January 21, 2017, five million people marched across the globe, in every state, on every continent. That was just the beginning.  In the seven years since Women’s March began, we’ve taken action against gun violence, held sit-ins in our nation’s Capitol, rejected white nationalism, demanded dignity for survivors, stopped abortion bans on ballots, and so much more. We are not just an organization when we’re marching. We exist every day, all over the country, and are composed of real women fighting real battles for justice both small and large. Together, we represent a better future- a feminist future.

A feminist future is a future void of sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.

This May Women's March hosted Feminist Night School online to help equip our movement with the essential knowledge to fight back against the rise of fascism. It's crucial as we work to ensure democracy. Late to class? No problem. Watch the recordings any time.