
Claris FileMaker

Claris FileMaker Server

Securely host custom apps in your own on-premise environment. FileMaker Server is for teams and users that need to share data with each other.

FileMaker Server is easy to set up and administer and has powerful features to help organizations of all sizes manage and share their custom apps.


Key features:

  • Custom app creation to deploy custom apps more efficiently


  • Web & mobile to rapidly deploy custom apps for mobile and desktop


  • Security to securely host your apps on premise


  • Deployment to run FileMaker Server on Windows, Mac, and now Ubuntu Linux


  • Scalability to support up to 500 simultaneous FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, or FileMaker WebDirect clients


  • Performance with instant notifications and statistics to monitor server performance, and troubleshoot performance problems

With FileMaker Server, you get:

On-premise server
Up to 3 servers to host your custom apps.

Access to all clients — FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, and FileMaker WebDirect.

API usage
2 GB outbound data transfer of FileMaker Data API per user/per month.

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