School Assembly Example Videos

Rainforest Assembly Example Video

The first 1:30 minutes of this video is an introduction to our Virtual School assemblies, followed by about 8 minutes of example clips from a Rainforest Virtual Assembly with elementary school students. If you have any question or would like to book a virtual assembly give us a call at 312-505-9973, or email us today!

Dogsledding/Character Education Virtual School Assembly Example Video

This video contains a few example clips from an elementary school virtual assembly. The total assembly lasts about 45 minutes including a Q and A at the end. There is a section in the video where Dave is asking the students what “D” stands for. During that time a multiple choice question appears on their screen and they are able to choose the correct answer. We have multiple choice questions for each of the Expedition ABCs and we go through them all near the end as a review before we answer some of their questions on camera. Unfortunately, the recorded assemblies do not allow you to see the questions the students and teachers see during the live program. If you have any questions please let us know.