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This standards related page lists former Mozillians who worked on standards, and former standards groups or organizations that Mozillians participated in.

See the main Standards page for current Mozillians working in active standards organizations and groups.

This page is for historical purposes only.


Former Mozillians who worked on standards, and in some cases may still work on them on their own or with a new affiliation (alphabetical by family-name)

  • David Ascher
    • Federated Social Web Incubator Group
    • Federated Social Web Community Group
  • Panos Astithas
    • Web Performance Working Group
  • Jon Bauman
    • Alliance for Open Media (AVIF, Storage and Transport Working Group)
  • David Bolter
    • HTML Speech Incubator Group
    • Indie UI Events
    • Protocols and Formats Working Group
  • Matt Brubeck (til 2019-05)
    • Pointer Events Working Group
    • Web Events Working Group
  • Marcos Caceres (:marcosc)
    • Web Applications Working Group
    • Web Payments Working Group
    • WHATWG
  • Shih-Chiang Chien
    • Second Screen Working Group
  • Lin Clark
    • WebAssembly Community Group
  • Dragana Damjanovic
    • IETF: HTTPbis
  • Nathan Egge
  • Brendan Eich
    • Ecma International
    • Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group
    • System Applications Working Group
    • WHATWG
  • Dan Gohman
    • WebAssembly Community Group
  • J.C. Jones
    • CA/Browser Forum
    • FIDO Alliance
    • W3C Web Authentication Working Group
  • Alan Kligman
    • Games Community Group
  • Tzu-hao Kuo(:kaku)
    • WebRTC Working Group
  • Mounir Lamouri
    • HTML Working Group
    • Web Applications Working Group
    • WHATWG
  • Bradford Lassey
    • Second Screen Working Group
  • Alistair MacDonald
    • Audio Incubator Group
  • Blair MacIntyre
    • Immersive Web Community Group
  • Dzmitry Malyshau
    • GPU for the Web Working Group (WebGPU)
    • GPU for the Web Community Group
  • Francois Marier
    • Web Applications Security Working Group
  • Kumar McMillan
    • Web Payments Task Force
  • Jérémie Patonnier
    • Web Education Community Group
  • Bobby Richter
    • Games Community Group
  • Adam Roach (:abr)
    • ISOC Advisory Council
    • Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), Applications and Real-Time Area
    • IETF NETVC - WG Chair
    • W3C Web Payments Working Group
    • WebRTC Working Group
  • Peter Saint-Andre
    • IETF UTA
    • IETF RFC Editor Future Development Program
    • IETF RFC Series Oversight Committee
    • W3C Web Payments Working Group
    • Federated Identity Community Group
    • Privacy Community Group
  • Till Schneidereit
    • WebAssembly Community Group
  • Jonas Sicking
    • Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group
    • System Applications Working Group
    • WHATWG
    • HTML Working Group
    • Web Applications Working Group
    • Web Platform Working Group
  • Brian Smith
    • OASIS PKCS#11 working group
  • Ragavan Srinivasan
    • Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group
  • Janet Swisher
    • Web Education Community Group
  • Chia-hung Tai (:ctai)
    • WebRTC Working Group
  • Tim Terriberry (:derf)
    • Alliance for Open Media
    • ISOC Advisory Council
    • WebRTC Working Group
  • Doug Turner
    • Geolocation Working Group
  • Jean-Marc Valin (:jmspeex) (until 2019)
  • Luke Wagner
    • WebAssembly Working Group
    • WebAssembly Community Group
  • Chris Van Wiemeersch
    • Immersive Web Community Group
  • Alon Zakai
    • WebAssembly Community Group

Organizations And Groups

Alphabetical by group name (or org if no specific group)

Advisory Board

W3C Advisory Board (AB) - elected members

  • Tantek Çelik (2013-07-01…2018-06-30, 2020-07-01…2022-06-30)

Audio Incubator Group

Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group - This group closed in September 2013

Federated Social Web Community Group

2012-01-12 ... 2016-12-31 (incorporated into Social Web Incubator Community Group)


was previously: Federated Social Web Incubator Group

Federated Social Web Incubator Group

2010-12-15 ... 2012-01-12 (transitioned to Federated Social Web Community Group)

W3C Federated Social Web Incubator Group (FSW XG) and FSW wiki

Geolocation Working Group

Geolocation Working Group (GEO)

  • ...

HTML Working Group

This group has been effectively closed and most of its deliverables subsumed by the Web Platform Working Group. All that remains is a spin-off EME group, where Henri is our only participant currently.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Working Group (WG), sometimes listed as "HTML5 WG"

Specifications: HTML5

HTML Media Extensions Working Group

  • Henri Sivonen (Previously provided feedback on specs within scope for this WG but not actively participating)

HTML Speech Incubator Group

  • David Bolter
  • Olli Pettay



  • Pat McManus

Immersive Web WG

Immersive Web WG (WebXR)

Note related CG: Immersive Web Community Group

Indie UI Events

home page, charter (previously)

  • David Bolter (monitoring)

Media Fragments Working Group

  • Chris Double

Media Working Group

  • Jean-Yves Avenard

Protocols and Formats Working Group

(Web Accessibility) Protocols and Formats Working Group (PF WG)

  • David Bolter

PubSubHubbub Community Group ... 2016-12-31 (only deliverable incorporated into Social Web Working Group, community incorporated into Social Web Incubator Community Group)


Social Web Working Group

SocialWG -

Related incubator group: Social Web Incubator Community Group (SocialCG wiki)

System Applications Working Group

WG closed.

SysApps (System Applications) Working Group participants:

Tracking Protection Working Group

Tracking Protection Working Group (TPWG) closed 2019.


vcarddav group/list at:

Specifications: vCard4 vcard-in-json

Web Applications Working Group (Old)

WebApps WG — the version that was superseded by the Web Platform Working Group — which itself was superseded by a new WebApps WG.

Specifications: IndexedDB, Web IDL, XMLHttpRequest, DOM 3 Events, DOM 4, etc. See the group's PubStatus wiki for a list of all specs.

See also on this wiki:

Web Cryptography Working Group

Web Cryptography Working Group

Web Education Community Group

2023-04-07 group closed.

Web Events Working Group

Formerly: Touch Events Community Group

  • Matt Brubeck
  • Olli Pettay

Specifications: Touch Events

Web Media Text Tracks Community Group

Specifications: something WebVTT-ish, we hope.

Web Payments Task Force

Web Platform Working Group (members) — superseded by a new Web Applications Working Group

Primary work area:

See Also