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Revision as of 00:51, 10 January 2024 by Tantek (talk | contribs) (start moving relevant content to a separate page for better focus on that project/service, add Pocket account to Moz Accounts)

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Mozilla has an official Mastodon account at and there are Mozillians with personal accounts and their own sites directly connected to the fediverse if you’re interested in following any of them.

Main article: is in private beta:

For more information about, Mozilla's instance on the fediverse, see:

Mozilla accounts


Personal fediverse addresses of Mozillians, feel free to add yourself, sorted alphabetically by family name.

Copy & paste these into your reader/client to follow:

French-speaking community (mostly in French)

Browser Extensions

  • Simplified Federation - Simplifies following or interacting with other users on remote Mastodon instances in the Fediverse. It skips the “Enter your Mastodon handle” popup and takes you to your own “home” instance, without entering your Mastodon handle on remote instances.

See Also