Mozilla Social

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If you are looking for Mozilla's current project and related efforts, see:

This page is here for historical purposes.

Proposal for, and eventual planning of, a Social Mozilla Events structure.

The idea

An event that has no overly formal structure, little in the way of large presentations, but includes a lot of socialising, making of friends and connections, and showing others the work you do in the communtiy and getting help with anything you need help with.

The Event Structure


The event should start with the usual people saying hello followed by a short presentation detailing the event structure {just so that things are achieved} as well as a talk on why the open web is so much awesome.

The lightning talk round

The event, although being social, does encompass some lightning talks by several of the people attending. These talks are 10 minutes long instead of the usual 5. They include 5 minutes max for the talk and 5 minutes for some quick, initial Q/A.

There should be no more than 4 lightning talks.

Getting to know you

This follows the lightning talks, and should be at least an hour long, over coffee and biscuits. It should have large enough tables to fit groups around them and have good converstaions to talk about what people do, and maybe even have space for a computer so things can also be shown.

Nice to see you to see you nice

This is the end of the event. People will be asked to visit a feedback form to gather information on the success of the event, as well as a contact exchange {details to be worked out}.

Total event time

4-5 hours run time for the event to allow for delays, and a final talk if desired about something BIG.


Things to think about when planning a Mozilla Social:

  • The date
    Research the date range that you want to host the event and make sure that it does not clash with anything too big else you may not get anyone turn up at all!
  • Getting some help
    Working alone on an event is fine, but if you have help it will make things a lot easier. If you are doing an event somewhere there has been one before, get in contact with the orgainisers and see what they know about venues.
  • Create a wiki page
    This will allow for others to help fill in any gaps that you miss. If it is a Mozilla Social event then think about having the wiki following the url structure like this: <cityname>:<date>
  • Participants
    Invite the people that you absoulutely have to have such as guest speakers, etc... and do it early. That way you can make sure they can turn up before you get the date set 100%
  • WiFi
    This is a must have, but make sure it can cope with however many people you plan on having at the event. Maybe nominate someone to keep it alive? Consider not releasing the details of the network untill after the lightning talks. This will allow those doing them to have a good, fast connection to the internet if they need it.
  • Resources
    Make sure that anything you may possibly need is there with you. Get a list up on your wiki page of what others need and maybe agree as a group to bring certain things, and others bring other bits.
  • Getting the word out
    Once you know what you want to have, where you are having it, and who is speaking. Get the word out via as many social networks as possible and maybe even via the Mozilla Blog
  • Getting Ready
    Make sure you turn up early and that everything is set to go at least 5 minutes before the event is set to start. This way you wont have to worry when people turn up and you can socialise yourself.
  • Have Fun!!!
    This is self explainitory, dont be all work. If you have fun, others will too!