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Revision as of 20:30, 30 November 2022 by Cpeterson (talk | contribs) (Firefox: The recommended way to install Firefox for Android is from the Google Play Store)

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The main projects on mobile are Firefox and Focus, on both Android and iOS. For more information about Mobile development, see the get involved page.


Focus is a lightweight browser on both Android and iOS that automatically blocks a wide range of ads and online trackers. It makes it easy to erase history, passwords and cookies, so users aren't followed by things like unwanted ads.


Firefox is a full-featured web browser developed by Mozilla for both [1] (codename "Fenix") and iOS.

Bringing Firefox to mobile phones is the next step towards fulfilling Mozilla’s mission of providing access to one Web that everyone can access, regardless of device or location. The overall goals for Firefox on mobile are:

  • Provide a platform for developers to create compelling content and applications using the latest Web technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Deliver an exceptional mobile experience to users, complete with the performance, personalization and security they expect.
  • Do all of this work in the shared Mozilla source repositories so all platforms, desktop and mobile, benefit each other.

For more background on our goals please see these blog posts. Still have questions? See our Mobile FAQ.

The recommended way to install Firefox for Android is from the Google Play Store: You can download older Firefox for Android APKs for testing from


GeckoView is Firefox's engine, packaged as a reusable Android library.

Mozilla uses GeckoView to power Firefox Reality, Firefox Focus, and more.

The blog post Firefox Focus with Gecko View provides some additional background on GeckoView's development.

Mobile Web Compatibility

Some Web sites are coding for very specific browsers. It creates Mobile Web Compatibility issues for Firefox for Android. You can help Mozilla solve these issues.

Mobile Marketing Automation

In order to improve engagement with users, Firefox uses an external tool called Leanplum. For details about currently running campaigns, please visit Leanplum Contextual Hints page.