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Fusion XDR

Cloud-delivered security analytics and automation for TDIR.

Learn how you can efficiently detect, investigate, and respond to threats without disrupting your existing security stack.

Exabeam Fusion SIEM enables you to:

Get an unified view across your security tools for intelligent incident response

Improve SOC productivity with automated threat detection, investigation, and response

Detect threats missed by other tools, using market-leading behavioral analytics

Achieve successful outcomes with prescriptive, threat-centric use case packages

Change the game with automation and use case content for TDIR

Every SOC is unique, having its own tools, skills, maturity, and processes. Fusion XDR helps level the field with automation and prescriptive, threat-centered Use Case Packages for the entire Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response (TDIR) lifecycle, providing:

  • Repeatable workflows and prepackaged content
  • Content to operationalize use cases
  • Standardized approaches to achieve repeatable outcomes

Stop the guesswork and searching with behavioral analytics

Why do SOC teams consistently miss common threats like phishing and malware? Siloed tools lack visibility and context of what’s really happening. Fusion XDR uses behavioral analytics to break down silos, turning weak signals into high-fidelity threat indicators. This approach easily detects complex, unknown, and insider threats to find the threats missed by purpose-built security tools.

Automated TDIR FTW*

With limited staffing and a reliance on manual processes, the pace of threats can result in SOC teams delivering slow, inconsistent, and error-prone responses that help evolve incidents into breaches. Fusion XDR empowers analysts of all levels to automate their TDIR workflows including evidence gathering, triage, investigation, and incident response. By automating manual, error-prone processes Fusion XDR helps ensure timely, consistent results (wins) and improves response times.

*FTW = For the win

ROI over three years, payback in under six months.

The alerts we’re seeing are not coming out of there because it’s defined use cases, but rather from the behavioral aspects, this is something that we wouldn’t catch with traditional solutions.

Christophe Rome
Chief Information Security Officer, Lineas

Trusted by organizations
around the world.

We believe that world-class threat detection, investigation and response should be attainable for every organization. Exabeam provides an industry-leading, cloud-delivered, SIEM and XDR platform that delivers value on week one*.

Source: *Exabeam SIEM Productivity Report

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See a world-class XDR solution in action.

Exabeam Fusion XDR is a cloud-delivered solution that uses analytics and automation to support common TDIR use cases. Transform your legacy SIEM with Fusion XDR without ripping and replacing it.

Learn how Fusion XDR:

  • Enables rapid time-to-value
  • Helps you baseline normal activity
  • Provides machine-built, incident timelines
  • Delivers automated playbooks to make the next right decision

Get a demo today!