The Wayback Machine -

Helping Security Teams Modernize Security Operations Since 2013

On a mission

Exabeam’s mission is to light the way and unleash security teams and organizations by removing the obstacles of outdated tech, rigid mindsets, and talent shortages to make security success the norm. Not an easy task, but worth the fight.

Created out of necessity

Our founders are seasoned vets of cybersecurity. As the changing threat landscape became problematic for the security industry, it was also an opportunity. If the game was changing, strategies needed to change with it.

What’s in a name?

When the founders started brainstorming company name ideas, big data was a source of inspiration.

The product would process a lot of data – many, many gigabytes. ‘Giga’ and ‘tera’ already saturated the tech landscape, so they went bigger—literally—thinking one billion gigabytes, or an exabyte. But the product also acted like a beam of light, shining down on interesting patterns contained in huge volumes of log data. The name recipe was there, and the rest is history.

Our values are our compass

Our team, partners, and customers motivate us to continuously deliver on expectations. To do so, our company embraces our values every day.

Deliver the Exceptional

Whether it’s for a customer or fellow team member, we want to make a real impact and create a memorable, valuable experience.

Work Together, Win Together

A team mentality enables efficiency, productivity, and responsiveness—enabling our team, partners, and customers to rely on each other for success.

Engage with Confidence

We’ve created an environment that encourages confidence and nurtures our team’s potential, resulting in a symbiotic relationship with partners and customers.

Do What’s Right

We want the relationships across our team, customers, and partners to be based on trust—helping deliver the right action at the right time.

Communicate Openly

It’s critical for our team and customers to interact comfortably and know they’re an integral part of the process.

Our leadership team

Exabeam’s mission is to light the way and unleash security teams and organizations by removing the obstacles of outdated tech, rigid mindsets, and talent shortages to make security success the norm. Not an easy task, but worth the fight.

Diversity and inclusion at Exabeam

Like our customers, our team comes from all walks of life. Our employees bring their full selves to work. Whether it’s championing women with our ExaGals program, supporting veterans, improving diversity or aligning our hiring process with our values, our philosophy is that we’re better together.

To this end, we’ve created the Exabeam CommUNITY Council, whose mission is to initiate conversation, educate, and enact change so our environment becomes more diverse, inclusive, and aware of the unique experiences of underrepresented groups within and outside of Exabeam.

ExaCares Philanthropy Program

A rising tide lifts all boats. ExaCares is a philanthropy program dedicated to improving local and global communities through investing in give-back initiatives. With ExaCares, Exabeam and our employees:

  • Invest in the current and next generation of cybersecurity practitioners and leaders
  • Foster diversity by creating opportunities for underrepresented groups in our industry
  • Provide the foundation for individuals to thrive, by addressing food insecurity, early education roadblocks, career development and training, and more

Exabeam Cybersecurity Scholarship Program

As a cybersecurity leader, we’re passionate about supporting the next generation of professionals pursuing an education and career in cybersecurity. The Exabeam Cybersecurity Scholarship Program invests in students bringing a diverse perspective and inclusive approach to solve the cybersecurity challenges of the future.

Exabeam Cyberversity

At Exabeam, we don’t wait for things to change; we go out and make change happen. That’s why we created Exabeam Cyberversity, a philanthropic effort designed to help aspiring cybersecurity professionals navigate career options and increase industry-wide diversity through knowledge sharing and networking.

Proud Award Winners

There’s work to be done

We look for the best and brightest in the security space. Let’s keep raising the bar together.